
Do you think kids should be allowed to play football on the streets??

by Guest64096  |  earlier

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Do you think kids should be allowed to play football on the streets??




  1. yes i think they should. as long as it is safe to do so, i always did as a kid and i nor my friends ever came to any harm.

  2. yes i do it often in suburban streets

  3. yeah why not,as long as its a quiet st and they take care,we all did when we were kids and now we all want to wrap our kids in cotton wool,its just madness let kids be kids and yes from time to time they'll get hurt but that's life.

  4. No, there's always the danger that they might be run over be careless driver. Sorry, but streets are not a proper place for football.

  5. No.

  6. No of course not.Why should they be allowed?They could an caused an accident,or they could be injured.Its bad enough that we have children already injured and killed on our roads without encouraging them to play on them.

  7. When I was a kid We used to.

    But nowadays cars are faster and drivers are more stupid(I mean careless). So no I dont think so.

  8. Why not, as long as it's a quiet street. These days the available park space is shrinking around the cities so unless you want them sitting on their backsides playing computer games then there's no other choice.

  9. Helll yea. I always do with my brother and cousins...oh yeah only girl....

    but anyway its fun!! And if cars what??? u get off th road they go past...go back...simple! Im still alive!! The only bad thing is hurting always have scabs and stuff!!

  10. Yes, as long as that's all they're doing.

  11. They could be doing a lot worse, like  annoying an  old Person just for fun. When it is getting late it is safer for them to be playing outside their Homes rather then in a Park where a Paedophile might grab them. If it is on a Narrow Street where there is very little Traffic it is alright.The annoying thing is when they kick Balls off of Gates and if it lands on somebodies Car it can be bad.

  12. Depends... if you are talking about a 4 lane highway- well no, but if you are talking about a quite suburban street then why not.

    Most back yards are too small for footy and the local councils (at least our local councils) because of liability issues are doing away with traditional "playgrounds" where kids used to go and kick a footy around. That means that there are lots of kids wanting to be active (like we encourage) but no where to do it. If they cant kick a footy around what will they do instead ?  Some grafitti perhaps, how about a bit of vandalism, maybe some public nuisance tormenting pets,  how about knocking on doors for the "fun of it" and running away before someone answers the door.  For sure there are kids who may be reckless or antisocial and either deliberately not get out of the way of the odd passing car or perhaps even deliberately kick the ball into peoples houses as an excuse to snoop around (I have seen both) but 99% of the kids do behave responsibly. I even think that being able to go and have a kick inthe street with mates actually encourages responsible behaviour because its a privilege they dont want to miss out on so they tend to stay out of trouble for that very reason.

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