
Do you think kids shouldn't be allowed to drink energy drinks?

by  |  earlier

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the state of new jersey (my state :( ) might make that a reality, so u have to be 18 to buy energy drinks.

dont you think thats crazy? heres a site w/ a bit of info




  1. Personally, I don't think anyone should drink them because we still do not know the long term effects of them.  The reason that I especially do not think kids should drink them is because most of them are packed full of caffiene which kids don't need plus a lot of sugar.  It gives kids the message that they do not need to eat well and exercise to have natural energy.

  2. That's stupid - if kids do stupid c**p to their body, blame the parents.

    Natural selection people.

  3. duh i drink at least one a day and i am 13 i m just bouncing off the walls is all just not the energy drink cocaine

  4. i dont think they are good for anyone!

  5. I don't think anyone should drink them. However, if anyone shouldn't be allowed to drink them, it's kids. kids are the ones that need to know  the most what can happen to you. Unhealthy doses of caffeine can lead to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching (hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches and respiratory alkalosis.Eighteen-year-old athlete Ross Cooney died after he played a basketball game after consuming four cans of Red Bull. Another kids in man died after reportedly drinking three cans of Red Bull after a really long workout. Another kid, in high school, died of a heart attack in the middle of a football game after drinking 3 Red Bull. Supermarket worker dies of heart attack after drinking four cans of Red Bull. As you can see, energy drinks can kill you. I know you all are thinking, " what makes you think i drink 4 cans of redbull a day?". I don't think anyone does this on a daily basis, but just because of the fact that it can, i think people should take caution.

  6. WOW really I didnt even know that it was illegal anywhere!

  7. i think it sould not be sold at all

    just imagine you eating a jar of jam each time you drink a can

    that is nearly the amount of carbohydrates it gives and this just burdens your liver and pancreas on the long term along with the caffeine in it.

    so THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED  and it is on scientific grounds besides it is not a fuel enhancer and it does not boost performance levels.

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