
Do you think kids who were bullied during school become weak and unconfident individuals?

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Do you think kids who were bullied during school become weak and unconfident individuals?




  1. That really depends upon how they handled it when they were being bullied. So, in the case they don't fight back then yes in adulthood they will become weak and unconfident individuals; they fight back they won't.

  2. i was picked on during school but the diffrence is u know u either can go threw life letting what every one thinks about u infact u or u can say **** it and not give a care . u see i found it funny when they felt it was neccesary to point out that im fat i know that im not blind iam very aware that im fat

  3. I think it depends on how they are brought up.

    If they have overemotional parents. Then I guess yes.

    But if the parents have a lot of other positive influence and teach kids to cope up, the kids may actually thrive in adversity.

    Focus on right parenting and make your kids competitive (in a health way ofcourse) :)

  4. They can, or they can overcompensate like this kid 'Anthony' I went to school with.

    He became LAPD and has a reputation for being a mean sonofabitch !

    He's definitely damaged ,but not weak or lacking confidence.

  5. No, actually I am quite a successful, and confident person. And I was bullied and teased all through grade school, and high school. I am now the President of the Sunshine Club for Children, am married, live a full life of travel, and fun, and have more friends now than I ever did back then. Bullying you will never change who you REALLY Are inside.

  6. are you a victim

    or a guilty conscience in the matter?

  7. I think that kids who were bullied in school have a higher urge to be dependent, and can withstand alot, because they have already been through so much with people being so mean to them.  However, it does lower their self esteem quite a bit, and their confidence is lacking....but once they get out of school, and realize the world is a huge place, and surround themselves with people who accept them for who they are....they become stronger and can take alot.  In my opinion they are stronger, more determined adults, who understand life isnt handed to you on a silver platter.  Did I mention alot of times, once they grow up, they become alot better looking then the "popular " bullies do?  Coincidence, or karma? hehe

  8. Yeah. It made me the most shiest, most unconfident, most uncomfortable person to be with. And not many teachers really did anything about it.

  9. No.  I think it makes them stronger, and gives them the confidence that the bully never had, and never will have.

  10. Not always. Almost every child is bullied to some extent. I think emotional scars can remain, but hopefully, a kid will grow up to realize that bullies are big idiots with low esteem. What really helps is a good home...a soft place to fall...where a parent listens and soothes the wounds when children are young and vulnerable.

  11. It can go either way. I was bullied and was chased up into a tree to have rocks thrown at me twice. After that I decided to make people pay for bullying me - I provoked fights with them, ambushed them, and then developed a policy of aggression in general. As a teen I was awful, vandalizing everything in sight because I was so angry.

    My sister was so traumatized by bullying that she could barely function,and grew up a complete wreck.

    By the way, being aggressive did not mean I was strong and confident. On the other hand I was weak (couldn't control my thoughts or desires), arrogant and prideful). I abandoned aggression and arrogance as policies when I was about 18 and encountered people with minds far deeper than mine.

  12. Some definitely do become 'broken' by bullying, whereas some become stronger.

    It's like children that grow up in an abusive household ~ some become abusive, some don't.

    It depends on the individual and also, to a great extent, on the response of parents and those around them, to what happens.

    People who are being bullied often find that talking things through can really help them!

    If you are being bullied, or are a bully who would really like to change, you can contact people at the links below for free, and speak to someone in a confidential and anonymous way.

    The final link (apa) talks about bullying and its effects.

    Cheers :-)

  13. probably some are, but i think alot become stronger

  14. No - They often become strong and capable adults.

  15. My husband was bullied by his family and at school - Now he is a big strong man who is still a computer nerd at heart. He loves to rub it in peoples (his families) face how successful he is now!

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