
Do you think killing things besides humans is wrong, or ok?

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NOTE:this question does not involve us eating the animals. because that is are way of living.

ok, im a big animal/insect lover, so get upset when i see people kill living things just because they're trying to survive or find a save place to sleep, like we do.i mean, would you like it if some guy came up and killed you and your family? this is the same scenario that animals(such as deer or duck) face in the wild! so i just wanted to know what people thought about this whole thing. thanks!




  1. Killing animals for ANY reason, other than survival, is a crime against nature.  

    Hunting in this day and age is stupid and has no purpose.  Killing deer, ducks, and other animals is pointless and does great harm to the ecology, especially since trophy hunters are always going after the "prime" animals, the ones that "should" be passing on their genes to the following generations.  For any species to survive, it MUST have the strongest, healthiest, and most resilient traits passed on to it's offspring.  That's what survival of the fittest is all about.  When man kills the best and strongest, he screws up this process.

    And, the biggest crime of all, is the killing of big African animals like Elephants, Lions, and Zebras. And, of course, the killing of Whales is a sin against our oceans.  

    Killing of wild animals does only one thing:  it makes some men feel macho.  Ridiculous and obscene!!

    Unfortunately, pest insects must be eliminated or our food crops will suffer.  But, I believe there are other ways to do this than insecticides.  Natural enemies of these insects is much better.  Example:  Praying Mantises to eat the offending insects, etc, etc.

  2. Humans must kill to survive.  Your ancestors did it with a spear.  You do with money.  You pay others to kill for you.  But you are just as guilty of killing as your ancestor was with the spear.  You can not deny the reality.  Every human must kill to survive.  Plant or animal it does not matter.

    I had to read your "question" 4 times just to make sense of it.  You really need to work on your communication skills.  Not only that it is obvious you know nothing about how an animal survives.  So spend more time becoming educated and less time trying to figure out your emotional status.

  3. It isn't right at all. No animal deserves to die unless if it nearly kills you or you need  it for food. The real  pests on this planet are human beings. They screwed this planet up royally. They already wiped out millions of species on this planet. Why do  we need  more to  go  to extinction, when we're the true threat on this planet!? Take these three beautiful animals for example.

    Thylacine- Extinct in 1936. We could've saved these animals fro mextinction, but humans payed bounties  to kill them. It's really terrible you know.

    Passenger Pigeon- Extinct in 1914. They could've been protected, but the government thought  that there was so many of them left that it didn't matter if they  were hunted or not.

    Dodo- Extinct in 1660's to 1670's. (Exact date not known. The range  is known, though.) They were just  as smart as any other bird. I don't know why people think they were stupid. In my opinion, I think many people are stupid for what they did to this planet. They  were used as human food  and pet food.

    The Thylacine and Passenger Pigeon  were stuffed. The Dodo is a well done painting.

    Here today is what they do to animals in meat packing  factoris. It is real TORTURE!

    Meet your Meat!!!

    It's pretty  sad for what these animals have to be put up through.

  4. First of all it's OUR way of living.

    Secondly, I have no problem with killing an insect or rodent.

    You gotta remember, we're all instinctual animal survivors, right?  Do your beloved and precious animals and birds not go around killing other animals?

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