
Do you think kwame brown still has room for improvements????

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he's playing alongside two decent post players this year in detroit (sheed and dyes). in the previous teams he has been playing, there were no big guys that can help him improve his post up game. and with sheed and dyes there, i think they might help him a bit. after all, maxiell improved while playing with these two guys for 2 years.

what y'all think???




  1. h**l naw man if he still has room for improvement h**l we have seen some improvements already. so man i dont about kwame and also dont know why the pistions signed him???????????

  2. Nope, probably after 30 games, the Detroit will decide to make this guy a free agent and put him in the D-League or trade him to a zippy water boy.

  3. Hmm lets see no i don't he has been in the league for awhile and was the worst 1st pick ever. He should be in the D-league or in france or something if he is even good enough for international

    ..he sucks

  4. he has a lot of room for improvement..hopefully sheed will teach him how to post up because he has the height and size to dominate in the post he just need someone to help him get thier and plus he is still young and he has displayed flashes of athleticism here and their ......hopefully the Pistons can use him to get farther this year

  5. why do you think the other tems got rid of him? hes been in the nba for a while and sucks

  6. I See Your Point But only The Hands Of God Could Fix That Boy He Just A Waste Of Time And Money

  7. There is always room for improvement and with him playing along side Rasheed Wallace and Antonio McDyess it should help him out. But here is the problem with Kwame Brown he has never improved his game, he has no work ethic in his game. He was playing with Kobe Bryant and he still could not get better something is seriously wrong with that. It may workout with him being in Detroit they are a great team and he might turn his career around but we will see.

    Good Luck

  8. i wanna say ben wallace 2.0 but the small hands

    and detroit fans will eat him alive if he plays like he did with la

  9. Defensively, he might be able to hold his own against post players, but his offense, that will frustrate Detroit.

  10. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  11. he sucks he waz a bust like in LA why do you think we go rid of him no good  

  12. He is clumsy. I think he can improve under Pistons though. If he looks bad as a Piston, you know this guy sucks. Usually entry level and horrible players look decent when they put a Laker uniform [Vujacic, Rad, Walton, Turiaf, IDK if I should include Farmar, he is pretty good], but this guy was horrible. I have no idea what people see in this guy.

    IDK if Sheed can teach someone how to post though...

  13. NO, Not likely!

  14. well he is ok but he needs to work on his jump shot and so does Andrew Bynem

  15. of course he sucks he will always need improvement

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