
Do you think life is a big contradiction?

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you know how the lines "life is not fair" and "its not fair to everyone else" contradict one another.

do you find life itself does that...i mean those 2 lines above, pretty much sum up life and how it contradicts.




  1. im stuck between agreeing and disagreeing .

    because they also say not to judge a book by its cover , but they say that first impressions are ever lasting .

    i understand where youre coming from , but i think it depends on the type of person you are and what "ways of life" you follow and what you agree with .

    kind of confusing , but thats my input

  2. Life sucks and than you die.

    "What you put into it you get out of it"... that's not true at all, do you know how many people have sacraficed everything to get somewhere and have failed and lost everything through no fault of their own, you need luck.

  3. Life is what you make it ....mine is great

  4. It keeps it interesting... besides it would be pretty aggravating to have everything perfect all the time. Then very little fluctuations in the norm would seem big.

  5. Life isn't fair compared to what? The universe moves, things in the universe move, morality is a human idea, just let the universe flow, we're caught in the middle of it and there's nothing we'll ever be able to do about it, so...

  6. I think it's what your parents tell you when you ask to have ice cream for dessert and they say no and you're all like BUMMER! and they're all like LIFE'S NOT FAIR!

  7. I agree, Its like the other contradicition '' Fools rush in where wise men dare to thread and '' He who hesitates is lost'' Which one is right..

  8. That is a great question! How could we know what is true, if there are two sides of something that seem to make sense but one obviously contradicts the other. Using the example you gave in your question, as well as others that have been mentioned in the answers given, it seems to be then, the only way for someone to be able to decide which statement or action would be the correct one, is to make that decision from their own perspective.

    It's a matter of who and where you are, what you have already experienced for yourself , and what you currently see as the truth. It's like a child being told, when they feel that they have been wronged, that life is just NOT fair. But when that same child does not feel like sharing a toy with another child, they are told that they HAVE to be fair. Which statement is right and how could anyone possibly know until perhaps, they experience both sides of a coin for themselves and then based on the outcome, form an opinion from their own perspective.

    I know this is a long answer to your question, but I have given this some thought. Life does seem to be very contradictory in regards to many things, and I think that until we understand that everyone sees the truth from within their own understanding of reality, we may not be able to agree on much.

    I linked a very cool video if you are interested that describes our perception in life and why it appears as you say, to not add up sometimes. I hope you find the answers you are seaching for. Best wishes.

  9. As humans we over think life.  We keep looking for some deep meaning to life as we know it.  Life is no mystery. It is a constantly evolving cycle of birth, being, then dying.  It is short even if you live to be over 100 years old.  My father said it best. "I don't mind dying, but you are dead for a h**l of a long time."  Stop thinking, start living.

  10. life isnt always fair, but its good to treat others with respect and courtesy

  11. yup

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