
Do you think life is sometimes easier for better-looking people?

by  |  earlier

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heck,what sometimes, always

I'm ugly, at least I like to think so.. so .. what do you think?do you agree with me when I say it's far easier to make friends and date and basically be popular when u look like a beauty queen?(although ,you might not know what people really like u for) but still..

wanted people's opinion!@ thnx




  1. Well, a beautiful woman can easily marry a rich man and live a good life doing basically nothing but getting in bed with the guy.

  2. Yes

  3. They have a very big advantage from being adored and oggled from childhood all the way through school and adulthood. It is an easier life no doubt. Especially for a woman...she can be dumb as a rock and some rich guy will be with her just for her looks. An dumb ugly girl is stuck in the trailer court.

  4. Yeah i guess but not sure... we'll see if and when when the Duac works ^.-

  5. No, actually not at all. I'm that Barbie Doll looking girl with the bright green eyes, long blonde hair, stick figure, and big b***s. My whole life people have been fake to me and have taken advantage. When you are what people call 'beautiful' (what is that anyway?) girls automatically hate you and all men want to is get in your pants. The point is that you are never seen or recognized for anything other than your looks. Sure I have talents, but no one ever sees them because I'm never thought of as anything more than 'a pretty girl'. Sure, I've been able to get farther in my career by sleeping with any man in a power position, but if that is all being 'pretty' is good for, I truly wish I wasn't.

    I'm sure you aren't ugly. Have more confidence in yourself and be you! Anyone can be beautiful.

  6. Heck, it's easier all the time for good lookers.

  7. Absolutely, People are so judgmental  It is much easier for a better looking person to get a job, or a date. It always has been, and always will be.

  8. Ha! What do you think? I'll never forget a busty blond with a flat on the freeway! The cars were almost having accidents trying to pull over and help!!! You or I would have been mowed down by the same morons! Just watch a good looking babe at work. She doesn't do any. Even the other women fawn over her hoping to catch her left over crumbs of male attention.

  9. in some ways i guess it could be easier but they still have the same problems maybe worse than more unattractive people have

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