
Do you think life was difficult for people living back in ancient times, like the 1950s and 60s?

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I mean no internet, no iPods, no TV, no radio, no cars... what did they do for fun?




  1. looking for ideas on what to do tonight huh?  lame.  

  2. There was also no p**n.  And that's "internets".  (you make Charlotte very happy - thank you honey). ♥

  3. Sock Hops! I smell a dance off

  4. TV has been arould since the 1940s, so, right away, I would suggest you get some facts straight.

    Radio has been popular since BEFORE the 1920s.  Cars, even before that.

    Heck, I STILL don't have an iPod!

    For fun?  Played baseball, football, went swimming, read books, danced to rock & roll, surfed, rode roller coasters made of wood, went to movies featuring aliens, gangsters, war heros, hot women.  Ate tacos, burgers, Chinese food and apple pies.  Made out with my girlfriend, watched the city lights from the foothills and played my guitar.  Went to parties and sneaked a little mind altering substances including beer and Mary Jane.

    I dreamed and planned for a future. Earned a little money which I spent on junk food, music and clothes my parents didn't like.

    After that, I fed my dinosaur and went to sleep in my cave.

  5. No cell phones! yikes! no cable tv. Wow! thank god I didn't live way back then!!

  6. They were probably out hunting and gathering

  7. Parcheesi

  8. they didnt have as much "fun" but they didnt expect it they wouldnt have been quite as miserable as we imagine. And not as miserable as us if we had to go back in time.

  9. imagine in the REAL ancient times you know like 33 B.C.E.!!! wow how life must have been.................So much more interesting than it is now.*

  10. As a child of the 50s and 60s, I mostly played with my Barbie dolls, listened to the transistor radio, and watched black and white TV. I rode my bike, played tin can alley, played softball, played in the creek, hiked in the woods .... pretty boring, huh?

  11. Read National Geographic magazines and whacked off.

  12. lol good ?

  13. for sure, life was really difficult for people living in the 1950s and '60s. we only had b&w tvs, radio, cars and would you believe planes too. yeah, it was a real bummer.  

  14. Yes, it probably was.  People likely had to converse with each other in order to pass the time.


  15. they sat around and played cards and drank--my relatives still do that

  16. I'm sure they just hammered away at each other.  Weren't babbies invented in the 50s??

  17. Sorry, what was the question?

    I was busy reading National Geographic magazines and whacking off.

  18. By listen to the Cubs lose on the radio

  19. I believe it was quite possible that it was the best time in history. People were actually able to think for themselves and make their own intertainment.

  20. they were running away from dinosaurs and brontosaurs and stuffs

  21. No...I'm pretty sure they had cars....

  22. Sorry, what was the Q? I was busy holding Guido's National Geographic...

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