
Do you think lip piercings looks trashy or gross?

by  |  earlier

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i dunno why....but i kind of want one. not a lip ring, but just a tiny little diamond lip a pretty girl and im kinda worried that if i got one guys would think its gross.even though im a clean non-trashy person...what do you think? yay or nay?




  1. I think lip piercings are lovely.

    But on some people ie chavs they can look a bit trashy

    So long as you dont have an orange face with makeup clogged around it i think it will be lovely!


  2. They Don't Look Trashy Or Gross Unless Theyre On Someone Trashy And Gross Not Everyone Suits Them! x


  3. I personally think those little diamond ones looks gross. But you do whatever you want. Who cares what I or anyone else thinks :P

  4. I don't think so,

    but it doesn't look good one some people

  5. ew, no. i hate lip piercings, they look disgusting. dont do it

  6. I think they do. Piercing of the nose, lips and tongue are very hard to keep clean.

  7. hey idont mean any thing but there r to some guys pretty and some gross and trashy so if u realy want to make 1 u should do it is and the guyz should love u from ur real u not being wat they want u to be ....

  8. i don't really like them but thats just me, maybe someone else finds them cool....  

  9. you said you are pretty already...then why do something that would make you ugly?

  10. it all depends how you look, and carry it

    if you are trashy, then it'll just make you look more trashier

    but, if you can fit the piercing, then it doesn't matter

    i like piercings alot, but i personally think lip piercings is so tacky & ugly

  11. if ur pretty than u can get 1 if a guy thinks its gross oh well too bad for them its ur body not theirs do what u want

  12. I think that most people with their lips pierced look like cat fish. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a few people who alright with them, but it's usually the super pretty tatted chicks.

    If you don't want a ring, do you mean a Monroe? Like the kind that is above you upper lip and a little to the side? Those can look pretty, but you have to be pretty enough to pull it off.

  13. depends if you can pull it off. but i think theyre hot!!

  14. They look different on every one, it also depends where arond your lips you're getting it done. Try drawing or sticking something on your face where you're thinking of having it, that always works for me.  

  15. Trashy.  Don't get one.

  16. yes,very

  17. I'd think they look trashy, and why put up with the health risks? Hope this helps :)

  18. Well... depends on your face. Like Juliet Simms, she looks so pretty with her lip ring

  19. Both.

  20. id says yay go for it, i have a girlfriend wid a lip piecing and it looks really kool, if your a pretty girl a diamond in your lip would suit you nicley, but if you have spots, acne watever, it dont look so gd, just go with what you think is best, i mean there hundreds of guys out there tht would go for you

  21. i think its gross and trashy

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