
Do you think living in your car and taking showers at truck stops can save you money?

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I am thinking about parking my car at a truck stop at night after i get out of work to save from paying bills or rent. They charge 7$ a night to use the shower, and i can get cold food at groceries store, and if i want something hot, i can eat at their restaurant or heat up a microwave sandwhich. The weather is good there most of the year so I shouldn't have to turn on my car for heat. I can get PO Box at the post office for my mail to go to and tell the IRS my address is the truck stop. What do you think about my genuine plan?




  1. Your plan would be extremely dangerous.  Robbery and assaults at truck stops are hard to monitor, because law enforcement can't just park at the truck stop and watch.

  2. get a tee-pee and camp near a river that is even cheaper.

  3. You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo right. As a matter of commonsense you won't have to pay the apartment/lodging rent, gas, electric etc., etc.

    Remember when and till the time is tough, until then the tough decisions are needed to survive and conserve, you know that a penny saved is penny earned.

    Do not compromise with your health, values, good company, good habits, education, skills and desire to progress by decent and honest means at all! Good luck!

  4. yeah, it'll save you money, but it sure as h**l won't be likely that you'll have a girlfriend, clean clothes, nice smell, exercise and health. There are reasons people live in houses and not cars.

  5. yes. it eould save you a lot of money.

    But no offense, that is the DUMBEST plan i have ever heard of in my life. Living in your car? are you CRAZY? How are you going to make money? And you arent going to get a nutrition by eating cold grocery food and restaurant food.

    Seriously, get a job. Get an appartment. Get a spouse.

  6. Well that's fine and dandy....if you don't mind not getting girls for the rest of your life.

  7. I think so but not real life you will sick of that kind of living.If I were you continue your school or go tafe school take a any kind of courses so that you can get a stable job for real decent of living no offence I just state the facts.

  8. Quit doing drugs and you would have enough money to pay rent. Thats freekin stupid. Seek help you are not in the right state of mind.   between paying 7 per night with showers and buying fast food thats expensive you would of spent enough money to rent a room in someones house. And if you really serous about this which I think you not you could just go to a homeless shelter! and possible get your head examined you hippie.

  9. Go for it. Save the money and then take a trip around the world.

    Two things I'd recommend:

    1) Sell your car and buy a pickup with a camper shell. Then you'll be able to stretch out.

    2) Get a membership at a nearby fitness club - that'll get you daily showers for about $25 a month.

  10. ha ha its good but what if u want to bring a girl back?

  11. It's no longer a good long term idea. The truck stops will start to notice you and possibly call the police out to check your reasons for being there. This would probably end in a ticket for vagrancy and a night in jail depending on the officer.

  12. You´ve got a lot of options in a country like the United States of America:

    you can buy a gun and leave your job

    you can leave your job and buy a gun

    you can leave your job and buy a gun at the same time

    Now talking seriously, your surroundings determine, to some extent, your way of life. You should plan your future and turn into a criminal with courage, faith, confidence and self respect to our virtual comunity.

  13. No. Exactly not. That's all.

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