
Do you think man has actually stepped foot on the moon????

by  |  earlier

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What prove is there, and how would anyone know for sure if we did, because of video feeds, well if so does that mean everything on tv is real?




  1. Here's the thing about conspiracies. One person can keep a secret... usually. Two people... rarely. Now you are expecting people to believe that literally hundreds of people... including very prestigious scientists... could keep such a MASSIVE secret for decades. It's ridiculous and impossible.

    YES... we walked on the moon!

  2. Of course! How'd that flag get there? Go to a planetarium and look at the moon, they will find the flag for you...My goodness.

  3. Yes, I do. I have seen it and heard the astronaut's voice. This is why I do believe. Apparently you do not. If it weren't true, then why is it historical? Explain that.  

  4. I believe we landed on the moon because the government said we did and the government has never lied to us before.

  5. Sure.

    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    Even brought along " Ben"

    The mouse love the rice.

    Who took a bite off the moon too.

    Until we down here see  two moons.

    Wonder where did we lose "Ben" in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. are you kidding?

  7. Of course ! Stop listening to conspiracy theories from limousine liberals!

  8. they need to change your medication.

  9. it's sad to see a human brain become so shallow minded. *sigh*

  10. Yes.  NASA has proven that rockets can successfully launch to the moon.  Therefore, man has traveled to the moon.

  11. Even   the Russians believed it so why can't you ?

  12. So, let's stop believing in anything we never witnessed for ourselves.

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