
Do you think man kinds capacity for good is equal to his capacity for evil?

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Do you think man kinds capacity for good is equal to his capacity for evil?




  1. Which activities are considered good/evil are relative to the society in which they occur. When I was in the military, men were not allowed to wear earrings.  When a fellow sailor and I came across European military wearing earrings, the other person nearly had a heart attack.  I told them, hey, it's ok. They're from another country but my mate seemed clueless and kept an angry face. That's how stupid fights start.

  2. I think human capacity for good far exceeds that for evil. Unfortunately too many have a hard time separating the 2 & the line between them can be obscured by those seeking power in Church/Mosque/Synagog /Temple or government.  Both religion & patriotism can be used to paint good as evil & vice-versa.

    Human capacity for good led them to protect the aged & care for their sick to a far greater extent than any other animal.  However they still realize the duty to protect territory & family/tribe from those that would take or destroy either. I suspect humans are the only animal that developed a concept of good & evil.  Too bad so many confuse the two so often.

  3. I don't believe in evil. I do believe in people, and how nasty we can be.

  4. there is balance to be sought in all things. the forces of war and peace struggle within mankind for dominance, but each is as powerful as the other so it is always a struggle for equilibrium. seek balance in all things.

  5. I believe it is infinitely GREATER than his capacity for evil - we just need to learn how to tap into it more

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