
Do you think man will ever create artificial wormholes?

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And warp anywhere they wanted? If so, how would they do it?




  1. We'll definitely create wormholes, but I don't reckon they'll be anything bigger than a few atoms across.

  2. one would have to prove the existence of a natural one first, and then figure out how to tune the flux capacitor to make it work...

    Oh, yeah.. you gotta find a DiLorian too.  They're getting rare these days.

  3. The technology to create wormholes probably requires intelligence greater than humankind currently possesses.  But humans will likely find ways to extend and amplify their intelligence in the near future. But don't expect wormholes to be created this century...or the next one, for that matter.

  4. It is theorized that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)  being constructed at CERN may create microscopic black holes:


    "According to the well-established properties of gravity, described by Einstein’s relativity, it is impossible for microscopic black holes to be produced at the LHC. There are, however, some speculative theories that predict the production of such particles at the LHC. All these theories predict that these particles would disintegrate immediately. Black holes, therefore, would have no time to start accreting matter and to cause macroscopic effects."


    Do black holes create wormholes?  Who knows, but the energy required is far greater than we can produce on Earth. It would take a Class II civilization capable of building a particle accelerator the diameter of the solar system.

  5. There is little drive for this project. We are too concerned with other things. I have high doubts that man will make artificial wormholes, never in my lifetime.

  6. being sucked through the fabric of space does seem pretty menacing, wormholes would offer amazing possibilities to travel through space and time. Popping through a wormhole could bring distant galaxies to your doorstep. What's more, by doing this you are effectively travelling faster than the speed of light, and so by passing through a wormhole and back you could travel into the future.

    Man will create wormholes, extreme amounts of negative energy could in fact open and keep a wormhole open, opening up the possibility of intersteller or interdimensional travel through these  holes.

  7. Yes.

    Amplification physics which create micro black and white holes. These will add up creating a larger effect.

    Magnetism...smaller magnets can be put together to add up to a greater net flux density. The same can be said for gravitational effects, such as a black hole. A micro black hole will be powerful....and when you create a whole whack of them, they will add up to become an even more powerful blackhole.

  8. no, the earth will die of pollution in less than 100 years, and no such technology will be discovered in the next 100 years

  9. Wormholes, time traveling and time machines are can only be seen on sci fi movies. It is beyond human technologies to build one. For time is one of the greatest gift from God. It is all in your hands whether you will waste it or make it productive, to the point that you will not dream of artificial wormhole.

  10. I think we have the possibility of creating something like a wormhole.  The only factor is time.  When will we create technology like this?  

    I think this sort of technology is a few decades off.

    An interesting thought, is that they have proved that there is a black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy.  I'm curious if we will learn more about these black holes, how to manipulate and use them.  

    Many scientists liken wormholes and blackholes, and think that there may be congruence between them.

  11. I doubt it will ever be larger than microscopic.  The power needed would be so large that it makes me doubt it.  It is always possible they may learn something new about physics that could make it possible.  I am sure they will learn astonishing things but when specifics are mentioned, I tend to get skeptical.

  12. It is amazing ... what humans can think up and then have it become a reality.

    Those guys who thought the world was flat ... and those who didn't.

    It took a while for people to catch on and those who did believe, well, they got persecuted something wicked.

    Anyway, YES!!! worm holes, though I think it would be like opening 'a can of worms' [no pun intended...hee hee] as they say.

    Warping?  I think some of us are already warped [..more hee hee], but when you find yourself in your next level of existence, I have a feeling you will be able to do all that you are dreaming of without too much trouble or assistance from material objects.

    Being in a light body will be great fun for you as you zip across the universe, via the odd worm hole.

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