
Do you think mankind has turned s*x into something sin-worthy?

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ok when animals ruled the earth, and man was just like any other animal out there. right? so god would treat us the same, and not as a dominate species,

so when referring to s*x. god meant for us to have it to reproduce and not for pleasure? correct?

so wouldnt it be a sin? (god forgives all but you get the piont)

i know its not now-a-days, and it is something that should be shared with the person you love. but do you think mankind has turned s*x into something, thats well sin-worthy?




  1. um idk....~xoxo ally*

  2. yes i think yes but s*x for pleasure or not is normal really normal,think about it we are hummans is NORMAL TO HAVE s*x FOR PLEASURE OR NOT BUT STILL NOMAL.

  3. yes

  4. i don't know if sin-worthy is the right term, but s*x is viewed as something that is as simple as getting coffee with your best friend.  most people nowadays don't care, they just sleep with anyone that holds still long enough.  that's not to say everyone is like that.  i have several good friends that waited until they found someone that they cared about and cared about them.  not all relationships work out, and sometimes you are with a few people before you find the right one.  however, when people are in a committed relationship, and they have s*x because they love each other, is it a sin for them to have s*x after their first time together because it feels good?  s*x is a way for people to express how they feel about their partner (in a loving relationship), so if they do it a few times a week, are they committing a sin each time?  as for the people who use s*x like it's a pair of jeans you can share with all your friends, do you mean to say they are the sinners because they are sleeping around with people they don't love?  this is a good question, and you are gonna get a lot of (nasty) comments about it, but i think it all really depends on the person and their life and the way they choose to live.  personally, i don't consider myself a 'sinner' for having been with the guys i was with before my bf.  and i don't think that we were sinning when we first got together either, even before we found ourselves loving the other.  we liked each other, cared for each other, and were friends first.

  5. i agree with dapiek. read your bible. god says it is a sin to have s*x before you become one flesh with you husband or wife. not before marriage

  6. It's happening too often even amongst the younger generation. I am talking 11 years old. People have had multiple partners and so on and I think that people are forgetting the true beauty of s*x. They can never ruin that beauty because if you as an individual have your standards and do not destroy them, then the beauty of it still exists.

    I sometimes believe that people are like animals , they don't care, they have no morals .

  7. You need to sit down and read your bible.  Man was created to rule the earth, we were always the dominant species if you are a believer in God.  

    Also, check up on what God considers sin.  Pleasure is not sin.   If you go through all the rules and commandments, you will find that sin involves doing bad things to God or Man such as stealing, telling lies, or ignoring God.  Adultery in fact was stealing another man's wife (through s*x).... at the time it was written .

    s*x for pleasure is, in itself, not a sin.

  8. I don't feel that it is "sin-worthy" but I do see how we have turned s*x into such a taboo thing. Hearing s*x talks at school you only hear about the STD's and how pregnancy can affect your body. Everyone says "NO DON'T DO IT!"... that makes it that much more appealing to teenagers. I think they should discuss the maturity and love that comes along with s*x. If you teach children from a young age about the body and love... I think s*x wouldn't be so tempting.

  9. yes they have. Religion for one has done this. They have placed shame, guilt, and rules on it. The opposite spectrum is that of it becoming a way to dominant another human... thus people's interest in objectification, rape, pornography, prostitutes, etc. s*x is for love, not marriage or abuse. It is for pro-creation, not marriage abuse. Pro-creation and the expression of love. Man has perverted it.

  10. i think that t was made for reproduction, for keeping mankind alive. To ensure that our race did not go extinct, is why god made it pleasurable. For ppl who have s*x solely 4 making children, i believe that they should b applauded for 4 fullfilling their duty.

    Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong about doing it 4 recreational purposes. That is totally normal.

    Its just ppl who abuse this gift and use it 4 prostitution and teenagers running around doing it to b *cool* who annoy me.They have turned it into something sin-worthy and to b ashamed of

  11. I'm a little confused at your questioning. If animals ruled the earth, and humans were not dominant, why would God even be involved? If you're going to talk survival of the fittest, there is no need to mention God's intentions in my opinion.

    I believe in the God of the Bible, and when He created man and woman, He intended for them to have dominion over all the animals. But really, what does our dominion of animals have anything to do with s*x?

    Reproduction has always been the main point of s*x, for both humans and animals. But procreation is not the only reason for s*x. It is meant to be pleasurable and a way to increase the bond between two people.

    s*x is not, and will never be, a sin in of itself. But God had a plan for s*x - between a husband and a wife. Any sexual activity outside of marriage is a sin. Plain and simple.

  12. s*x was made for pleasure  a means of pleasure and reproductionbtwn married couples. Yeh, men has made it a sin when they take part in it before mariage.

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