
Do you think many people understand what the war is about?

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Do think more people care about Lohan's recent binge or what happens everyday in Iraq? Do you think people understand that the war in Iraq could be a good thing? Do you think people will dismiss my question to go read about Paris Hilton?




  1. I think that's a very good question. A lot of people think we should pull all the soldiers out of Iraq... which I can understand if you have family over there. But the only reason why there haven't been as many terroist attacks is because we have soldiers over there.

    Sometimes I wonder myself, why are we still fighting. And then I remember the devastating day that we were attacked. They used our planes, with our people, to kill our people... That is lower than low!

    I say blow the whole god d**n country up over there... And then there wont be a problem. I know that the woman and children have nothing to do with it. But those are the children of these horrible men doing this... and they are going to grow up and follow in their fathers footsteps. You can't take a stand over there like you can over here.

    I feel for all the soldiers and there families... and I hope that someday we can pull out of Iraq, and not live in fear! We dont need anymore US citizens to die.

  2. For our sake, I hope not, but it is possible.

  3. No (many still believe Iraqis were involved in the 9/11 attacks).


    No, neither do I.

    No, Paris is dull and no longer interesting.

  4. yes for sure most people dont have a clue as to why the war is going on. matter of fact i dont even think the president has a clue. and yes i do think people care more about lindsay, nicole, britney, and paris' everyday lives, then what goes on in iraq everyday! sad but true

  5. NO AND I DON'T THINK THEY NEVER WILL....because they forget how we got our freedom

  6. War is never a good thing. But, sometimes it is a necessary thing. I really believe that the only ones who truly understand the why's of it are the ones fightin g it!!! We've all heard about WMD's, oil, etc...and there must be something to it. He did thumb his nose at the UN committees for months. He did have time to build himself a hiding spot, where do you think the WMD's might be? I bet if we were to haul in ground penetrating radar we'd find a lot more!!!!!

  7. the war could be a good thing ? war can never be a good thing maybe your better off reading about paris hilton cause you clearly dont understand whats going on in iraq ! its a total disaster and a blood bath waiting to happen

  8. reading and commenting on those celeb twits is so much closer to home for many.  

    The war is too far away for many to have any affect on their lives.  These are the same people who have no family in any service.  Personally, my fieance is about to head off for his second tour over there this month.  My ex-husband has been over there once.  And many of my friends have been or are going very soon.

    Than you have all the people who say that we are only over there for the OIL.  Which In one piece of the puzzle we are, but at the same time, there are children carring guns, sucide bombers that are now coming in the form of women too usless to be of any use.... deemed by their "mens."  Rivers of sewer run through their streets, and neighbors are rotting corpses.  

    Im proud of our men and women over there not only for all that they have sacraficed, but for all that they have GIVEN in return.  they are over there to stop the horrors that go on.  So much that we as civilians will never see or know of.  we get only editied glimpses on our news.  

    People will protest the war, and try to demean our soldiers.  These people should be sent off to see first hand what it is that our BRAVE are actually fighting for.

    I seriously dont think our protestors will throw their bodies to stop a bullet running through a woman and child caught in the cross fire.  I seriously dont see the protestors giving up their simple things like their running water, to provide for a nation that has nothing. But everyday, our brave are over there trying to rid a country of its rotted core, and help them start a new begining, to give them what we have with every breath...FREEDOM

  9. Sadly, I think many people don't care about what is going on in the world. And the little they do know, they hear repeated over and over and over on television every day. People should seek out knowledge about important issues and develop their own opinions, not just take on those that they hear on television or from their friends.

  10. Bush and his henchmen will tell you that they do, but I think they got themselves in over their heads, and do not know how to extricate them selves from it and save face.

  11. Not to sure how th answer here, Guess easiest first

    Paris Hilton.. Who cares .. Just another person with to much money.

    Lohan's Binge. No clue there.. But no matter a person is a person and has faults.

    Iraq. Personally all we are doing is postponing a civil war. Why are we there I have my own ideas. But saying we are there due to 9/11 is one of the biggest BS lines yet. Iraq is a totally different country people. Like USA and Mexico totally different country. Be like Mexico attacking say China and China invading US because they didn't like Bush. Same difference.

    Anyways don't think we will ever truly leave Iraq now, because no matter when we do civil war will take place. Be it this year next 10 years from now. Once we leave it will happen. So comes down to why are we stopping it? Maybe because the fear it will spiral into neighboring countries? I know first place if it does happen would be Israel. Most countries in middle east do not have much love for them, be it political influence or personal.

    Sorry went on a rant. But my basic 2 cents.

  12. No, most do not.  The media makes every attempt to keep people confused and negative about the war.  There are several good news and success stories in Iraq and Afghanistan every day, but they don't make the news.  See my blog to understand the enemy we face, the successes we've had, the stories of Soldiers and Marines that have been there and more:

    War on Terror Blog:

    No Politics.  Just the groundtruth, backed up by independent research, historical study and the personal experiences of myself and others that have BEEN THERE.

  13. People do not understand what the war is about and will pay attention to Lohan and Hilton far more.  It is sad.  The political activist and media have made this war about the Bush Administration and the fact its not over yet means the administration has failed to them.  They distort truths, report only on the negative, and could care less if we win or lose - and actually prefer losing so they can blame those who got us involved.  Winning is essential - we must win - or we will see Islamic Fundamentalism rise like we have never seen before.

  14. Do you actually really understand what the war is really about?

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