
Do you think marijuana should be legal for medical use? explain why?

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Do you think marijuana should be legal for medical use? explain why?




  1. Yes, it has many uses.  

    Unfortunately, our political and law enforcement system in the US uses it to put people in prison.  

  2.    It to is one of gods medecines that was put here for our use. But there are those who abuse it. Anything can be bad for you if you over use it. It is great for increasing ones apatite some times when we are sick we do not feel like eating. it Reduces pain. all very viable benefits. So it should be used but because a few abuse it it will have to be controled. There are many beefits. but as with all thing there are draw backs also you have to find a balance to make it work.  

  3. Yes, I believe that marijuana should be legal for medical and personal use. There is absolutely no evidence, no study, in which it shows that marijuana is harmful to your health. On the other hand, it HAS been proven by studies that it helps people with severe pain, increases the appetite of cancer patients, helps in decreasing the number of seizures in epilepsy patients. It would be able to help in so many ways.

    I think people should be given the choice to decide whether to smoke or not. We are given the choice to drink alcohol, which has serious consequences itself. It eats away your liver, corrodes your stomach. Or we can smoke tobacco cigarettes, that will eat away at your teeth and gums, causes cancer, among other serious consequences.

    Weed is not addictive, it does not cause cancer, it does not eat away your teeth, it does not eat corrode your organs... I would gladly take a hit of weed in place of alcohol or tobacco. It's a personal choice, ganja is not for everyone. But I would like to have the legal choice to smoke or not to smoke :)  

  4. Yes. I do not want to explain why because it looks like the people above me have said what I would have typed if they are for it! It's a plant!  

  5. it absolutely should, and also for recreational use.  

    the beneficial characteristics of marijuana are overwhelming, and the evidence of the drug's benignity is vast.  marijuana has the power to help so many different kinds of diseases. and i disagree with the answer above me, i think if we could get heroin and meth addicts to take up smoking marijuana, the world would be a much much better place.  it is not addictive at all.  

    the indirect benefits of legalization would be enormous as well.  the government would be raking in a couple billion each year from taxing it.  They could also SAVE an additional couple billion on superfluous DEA raids and investigations, another good chunk on the people that DONT end up in prison or jail because of harmless marijuana.  and then, think about how many people the tobacco industry employs.  the marijuana industry (has a nice ring to it) would be easily able to employ at least that many, if not more, to people who need jobs on every level.  then there's the indirect economic stimulation, by people buying them, and more people working, earning money, spending that....the potential is limitless.  

    DONT be taken in by these absurd anti-marijuana campains (just say no, above the influence).  they are propaganda and LIES (ive checked them out and done my homework, beleive me.) OR you dont have to beleive me.  



    toke on

  6. it is in california.. and besides it wouldn't make more people smoke because everyone up in my small town. Palo Cedro grows or already smoeks.

  7. I live in Oregon and it is legal for the treatment of certain medical conditions.  You have to get approval from a physician and get a medical card.  I think it should be legal for people who have legitimate medical reasons where marijuana would ease their pain or other symptoms.

  8. yes i do. it relaxes you and it helps with nausea and stomach aches which is associated with cancer patients and other pain sufferers medication that causes side effect. it really is a great,cheap alternative to taking pills like vicodin or even stronger that adversely affect the liver.  

  9. Absolutely, but it needs to be very strictly controlled. It has a number of uses in managing chronic pain and appetite associated with late-term AIDS and cancer. However, it is a drug of abuse, and if California's system of medical marijuana is any example, the system is far, far too open to abuse.

    There's certain people we do not want to have access to marijuana, mainly drug addicts, the mentally ill and the underage, due to it's abuse potential, kindling of mania and schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals, and strong implication in delayed development of the right-frontal part of the brain. It should not be a widely accessible drug, but it should be available, and more importantly it should be easier to research it. What deeply worries me is it's involvement in schizophrenia through the COMT genes, and the significant increase in schizophrenia, and it's tendency to increase schizophrenic symptoms in people who have already developed the disorder, and the implication in mania in bipolar. Again these are only certain groups in the population that we do not want to have it. It has definitive uses in the aforementioned cases.

    Unfortunately, the current climate around drug abuse, medication and medicine makes such changes difficult, and I've yet to hear of a system that would prevent the rampant abuse that plagues most state-level medical marijuana programs.

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