
Do you think marijuana should be legal medically and/or recreationally in the U.S.?

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I have Diabetic Neuropathic Gastroparesis resulting in constant nausea, vomiting and a restricted diet. I live in a non-medical marijuana state and am on Marinol 5 mg. Inhaled cannibus vapores gives me instant relief. The most common prescribed anti nausea med is Regalen which, if used daily, (which is what I need) will cause irreverseable Parkinson like shakes and tremors. Yet this is legal and medical marijuana is not. So should Marijuana be legal mnedically or otherwise?




  1. I think so

  2. I think that all drugs should be legal.

    Or at least decriminalized.  Why do we spend money housing prisoners when we could use it for prevention and rehabilitation programs?  Ones that actually work.  Most people who go to jail for drugs just go back to jail for drugs, so obviously something is wrong.

  3. for far far far too many reasons to list, i say YES. I think it should be legal for medical and recreational use to adults.

    so much stuff to say, i think my keyboard would break if i typed it all.

    Just visit for all your answers to everything pot related.

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