
Do you think marijuana should be legal?

by  |  earlier

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Why not? The govt could tax the c**p outta it and help the economy. Ok that was a joke but seriously...




  1. No.  Alcohol is legal, but did that stop all the crime?  Nope.  We have more drunks, more drunk driving deaths, more child abuse when a parent is drunk, etc than ever before.  Not to mention we also have more alcohol rehab places than ever before.

    The only thing legalizing alcohol did was make it easier to get the stuff.  That's what will happen with pot.  And pot DOES destroy brain cells.

    If you know someone addicted to pot(not true about it being less addictive than alcohol), you'll see the logic behind all of this.

    Edit: To the thumbs down fairies...thumbs down me all you want, but every word of what I'm saying is true.

    Edit: Chris "There are GOVERNMENT studies that disprove this"

    Do you believe everything the government tells you?  I don't.

    There are MEDICAL studies showing it DOES kill brain cells.  But just for fun and giggles, I googled a GOVERNMENTAL study, that says the same thing...

  2. yes. It is less dangerous and less addicting than alcohol or tobacco. however, the men in power right now were raised with the false notion that pot is evil, and these men in our government must grow old and die before the law is changed.

    you are right about the taxes, and the fact that so much illegal money would be brought to the surface. Personally, I'd rather have Camel or marlboro making my pot than a guy named juan in Venezuela :)  

  3. don't do destroys your brain...far worse than alcohol...

  4. h**l yea, people need to open their eyes to the real facts.

    it's basically harmless, it has no link to lung cancer, doesn't harm the brain as much the commericals would like you to believe.

    its really funny when these anti drug commericals like abovetheinfluence puts out ads with NO FACTS

  5. ok. i once was a stoner and i say no. now that i quit i realize it makes you lazy and nothing good comes from it. well ok yes it helps with nausea and helps skinny people gain weight and in some cases it helps you relax and calm down, but if you need a drug for that it cause you cant handle yourself and you probably, either need to just quit and learn how to cope yourself or go to the doctor and get a legal perscription for your problem. it does no good as much as we woulld ike to believe. SOME people have been smoking for like 30+ years and have jobs but for the majority its young adults and teens skipping school to fit in. and those who go to school probably cant keep a job for over a year because the habit controls them. Any way, like cigaretts what happens to all of us who dont smoke? the air is paluted and all of a sudden random people are going coo coo because they dont know how to handle themselves. NO do not legalize marijuana. It may help the economy but it will ruin people as a whole.  

  6. If they did i would kind of be concerned about all of the lazy people getting lazier.  The govt already taxes the c**p out of us.

  7. I love how people think pot kills your brain. There are GOVERNMENT studies that disprove this. I think it should cause alot of normal people are arrested and severly punished for a drug that's less harmful than alcohol. The government would also be able to provide a more pure substance rather than being laced with other drugs and pesticides. It doesn't make you stupid. I have a friend that smokes every day and he is very fast and great endurance in lacrosse ( no lung problems) and has very good grades. Their would be a lot less drug related crimes because their wouldn't be a market for weed. Who would go to a drug dealer when they can get it at the store....

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