
Do you think marilyn monroe had mental problems?

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Do you think marilyn monroe had mental problems?




  1. No, I think that she was misunderstood and looked for love in maybe the wrong places or the wrong people. I think that she was very wise but everyone thought that she was jsut another dumb blonde and people took advantage of her. In my opinion ....sensitive, wise, unique, beautiful, different, smart, misunderstood.

    Just read some of the quotes she has said, She wasnt crazy or stupid..

  2. Yes, as far as I can tell, I think she did have mental issues. It is widely known that she did not experiance an incredibly nurturing upbringing. There is also much debate about whether or not she was sexually abused in her youth. Her mother was not stable mentally, which is why Monroe didn't have a mother growing up. Plus, it must have been frustrating only being appreciated for her exterior and her interior going somewhat unnoticed. Whilst she was in fact a smart woman, the restrictions of her s*x-symbol image must have bothered her. She was a woman who demanded attention, which a lot of people interpret as a reflection of former unresolved neglect/abuse.

    Hmm on top of that to this day the reason for her death is unknown...possible suicide? The sad thing is that to most people Marilyn Monroe is just an image - the blonde bombshell. Nobody wants to know/cares if she was hurting inside, it doesn't seem important, and it spoils her 'perfect' image. So sadly we don't know much about her true mental well-being.

  3. I am sorry but I cannot see this as a valid question as my opinion in this instance would be worthless. Regards. UK

  4. No - I think she knew too much and The Kennedy Family made sure she didn't talk!!

  5. totally a mental case.she faced a lot of attention from the media, from the kennedy brothers, and by relying on her looks, because she wasn't that good an actress, left her a very shallow person.She was hot, but nuts.

  6. I think she had problems, I think they were more emotional than mental. I know about her and her life, what most people know. That she had substance abuse issues. Wether it be prescription meds, illegal substances, alcohol--doesn't matter.

    When people abuse substances, they are self medicating. When I say substance abuse, I mean ABUSE, I am not talking about someone who occasionally has a couple of beers, glasses of wine, or even a teen who experiments with pot. To abuse a substance is to continually use it even though it is having a negative impact on your health and well being, affecting relationships and work, etc..

    So, why do people self medicate? Because they have difficulty dealing with the way they feel. They have negative feelings and want to escape them. The problem is, that not only are you ignoring the issue by self medicating, now you are creating a physiological and psychological dependance. Your body builds up a tolerance, so you require more to get that feeling. Psychologically, you have been escaping for so long, you get to the point where you think you can't do anything without using.

    Anyway, I don't know if she had a mental illness or not. I think she definately had emotional issues. Its possible that she had some mental illness, such as being bi-polar, and left untreated it caused emotional issues.


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