
Do you think mark speight was selfish?

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surely if he was such a nice person as alot of people are saying, why didnt he think of another way to kill himself instead of hanging.its the railway worker who found him i feel SADDEST for it would of been horrific, esp after a few days of hanging,apart from the disgusting smell he will never get that image out of his head.




  1. Nobody who commits suicide can be called selfish.

    Until you reach that point in your life, when nothing and nobody means anything any more, when you're so far below rock bottom that you can't imagine anything better than what you're feeling at that moment, suicide is the only way to relieve the pain.

    I had a Major Breakdown nearly 4 years ago, I lost everybody, and everything, and all the c**p I'd been through during the preceding  30 years came back and hit me like a steam train.

    All I could think about was ending it all, it just so happened I broke down in front of a CPN.

    Since then I've been on a huge dose of Anti-Depressants, I've been living in supported accommodation, and have seen no fewer than 13 Psychologists, I'm still seeing one regularly now.

    There's not a day goes by that I don't think of suicide, but something keeps me going, maybe it's the thought that my death might possibly upset somebody, I don't know, but there may well be a day in the future, that something happens to push me over the edge, should that occur, the relief from the pain I'm suffering will have more importance than the possible suffering of others.

    Men are always the last people to admit they're not coping, and aren't the best at expressing emotions. I suspect though that Mark was so overwhelmed with grief, not just his, but those around him too, that he just gave up, and I can imagine how he felt.

    As for hanging himself, less chance of survival, and as for where, less chance of discovery and possible prevention.

    However you look at it though, it was terrible news.

  2. he wasnt his usual self and would not ment to have upset anyone.he just wanted his pain to end and be reunited with his girl !

  3. Why do people say he was a nice guy, when they don't know him personally - he took drugs!!!  Mark Speight and his girlfriend knew the risks - it was their choice. A lot of people don't have any choice.

  4. Mark Speight must have been totally distraught to want to take his life.  He obviously wasn't thinking straight.  He's the one who has lost his life.  I'm sure the railway worker is telling his tale to anyone who will listen.  oh and by the way, weren't you ever told not to speak ill of the dead?????????

    Julie :  are YOU for real???  Chill out love

  5. Tragic situation.  I hope his young fans realise that drugs ruin lives.

  6. very true but it seemed he tried to go to a place out of the way by going into the rooftop. he was reported missing so i dont think he could have gone to his place or somewhere people may find him because he didnt want to live anymore and wanted to do it on his own. Its never pleasant but i think the poor guy was in such a bad place and i feel terribly sorry that he saw that as the only way out

  7. he was that depressed he was hardly going to be thinking anything other than just finishing it, he would have been in a bad state of mind than any of us could comprehend to do it.

  8. I think at a moment of total despair you don't really consider others you just what to end it. What is really sad is that there was no one to support him. Mental health is a very complex issue. In a normal state I don't think anyone would choose to kill themselves.

  9. it is always very sad but people dont think straight when they are so far gone-he could see no other way i guess and although i dont know him id like to say RIP mark

  10. I do agreee with you that it was selfish.. like all acts of suicide.

    However, he was such a nice guy perhaps he couldnt cope with the nice guy image being turned into a drugged up pathetic looser that lost his love to the same thing so he ended it.  Saying this however, I am against what he did.

    Its worthless scum like Pete Doherty that publicizes his drug taking and he still walks alive and gets paid!

    Makes me sick.  

    R.I.P Mark :(

  11. Maybe selfish to everybody else concerned, especially his family and Natasha's family too.

    But this hapened because he was desperate and desperately unhappy and grieving. I'm not saying I agree with it and the way he did it, and I too feel for the person who found him. He'll be missed, he had great integrity and was devoted to his job.

    God give him peace. x x x

  12. I think he was mentally ill - which is why he committed suicide and didn't think about the consequences.

    All suicide is selfish, but the perpetrator can't think of any other way out.  Actually my husband's commuter train into London is quite frequently delayed/cancelled due to a "fatality on the line".  People who do this kind of thing are desperate and can't really be held responsible for their actions - severe depression is an illness not a choice.

  13. No I dont I feel sorry for him

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