
Do you think marriage as an institution is losing significance and meaning in modern world?

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Do you think marriage as an institution is losing significance and meaning in modern world?




  1. Absolutely...and feminism doesn't help.

  2. I see this happening everyday of our lives. Thats why I really calmmed down alot towards hubby because I love him very much and I know he loves me so I dont want to be put into the percent of people who get divorces everyday!

  3. That really depends on what part of the world you was brought up in.

  4. Yes

  5. whats an institution? you mean something thats eternally important right?

    and yes i do believe marriage values are going down the toilet... i think its because in this modern world of ours, happiness isnt looked for in marriages only anymore... I mean we do have so much luxury now (especially in america) its not much of a NECESSITY as it was in a past, but just a LUXURY that people are getting used to

  6. Absolutely, most people can't even understand what marriage vows are or what they mean. That is why the majority continually get divorced, death till us part and to love in sickness and health mean exactly what they say people. I've yet to meet a couple that cherishes one another even if they have chosen to honor the majority of their vows, including myself. Everyone is to selfcentered these days to accomplish such a task. ;-)

  7. In our world of point and click, text messaging, 2 minute lattes, 200 channels of nothing to watch, we expect gratification to be as fast and instant the Internet. We don't want to work for things anymore. Marriage is just that, it's not laying on a beach while your wife massages your feet and brings you a rum and coke...marriage is work. Relationships in general are work. I grew up with the idea that anything worth it is worth working for.

  8. Modern world means :

    Development for enjoyments and lose of natural values.

  9. No, I do not think that marriage is losing it's significance, at least not those of us, who really believe in the true meaning of committment and "for better or worse". Sometimes it's a lot "worse" for a long time,but marriage if for LIFE, not while it's CONVIENT.    I have been married 35 years, and some days he is a pain in the "rear", but he is MY pain in the rear and I plan on growing old with him, and he feels the same about me.

    Marriage should be about committment, not just love and lust.

  10. Yes. "Till death or divorce do us part" would be an appropriate revision to the 'sacred' vows!

    It's no longer considered a moral obligation to remain committed for life.

    Acceptance of divorce has steadily increased [mostly from the 19th Century to the1970's] and there is less stigma associated with it today, more so than ever!   Reasons for this can be attributed environmental factors, including: economic conditions, shift in cultural norms/values, etc. or internal (emotional/personal stressors, marital satisfaction, etc.)

  11. I think that it is a little bit.  There are still a lot of people that find strong values in marriage and find it very significant, but there are many more who seem to be poisoned with the assumption that if things don't work out, you can always get a divorce.  That's not what marriage is.  Marriage is supposed to be until death do us part.  You are supposed to casually date, not casually marry.  I think the media plays into this a lot as well.

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