
Do you think marriage in Islamic societies is based on love or other things?

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Not just speaking about Islam even in other religions in the past women just married men so they can be supported as women in olden days were not as capable.Arranged marriages explains too that there were no love between the couples they were simply married to one another.

Of course right now this practice is only common in Islamic societies.If you realize in Islamic countries, whether poor ones like afghanistan, pakistan or rich ones like SA, Kuwait, it is rare to see a marriage where the couples are of different social classes and the parents always check how much money the guy has in his bank account.

Polygamy also explains this theory. If the man truly loves his wife he will not marry another woman and if the wife loves him he wouldn't allow him to do so.But of course in the Islamic society its very common that women marries a man for his money and man does it to use women as s*x and breeding machine.

I am sure the extremists will find a suitable excuse to defend themselves but what is your opinion regarding this?




  1. My thought is that you think or assume all muslim men marry more than 1 women....

    Just cause God allows muslim men to doesnt mean they do.. Its rare.. extremely rare... and conditional... Islam is the only religion that actually puts extreme restrictions on marriage and polygamy.. If you research Judisma and Christianity.. no where does it stop polygamy.. and didnt Jesus himself say "I came not with a new law, but to uphold the laws of my forefathers"... so that there tells you its still allowed.. Only by the grace of islam did conditions and amounts of wives established..

    Look at Christian west.. they riducule complain and say things about Islamic polygamy, but they have no problem with having a wife and having multiple mistresses.. they sleep around left right and center.. and its all OK?...  

  2. Arranged marriages don't only happen in Muslims countries, they are also common in India, Sri Lanka and orthodox Jewish culture. I personally, don't find anything wrong with arranged marriages as long as there is consent from both partners.

    You talk about parents checking the social class and money in the guy's bank account. This also happens in love marriages. People may fall in love with someone because of the amount of money they have or the social class they belong to.

    Let's face it though, arranged marriages are usually more successful because:

    Finding love is a mission.

    Making love a f*cked up ambition.

    So follow the asian tradition,

    and let your grandma make your decision!


  3. Dear sister it's not the problem of Islam or Islamic laws...

    it's the problem of the culture of the country.

    In India there's more Muslims than Pakistan. But there's Polygamy is very very rare....

  4. why do u care , ur not muslim ?

  5. Yeah I think a lot of them are based on Love. Seems to me is that you will only take into consideration people that will say "no, all marriages in Islamic societies are forced".

    Tweet what do you mean by "social class". Are you referring to the chaste system?

  6. First of all tari phudi main lun for saying pakistan is a poor country. i

    Saudi Arabia has been very dependent on Western military assistance for its security needs. When President Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Saudi Arabia's northern neighbor Kuwait in 1990 during the Persian Gulf War, Saudi Arabia immediately requested the deployment of US troops within the country to deter further aggression. Additionally, the country's oil exports through the shipping lanes of the Persian Gulf are protected by the US Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain. In 2005, Saudi Arabia was the foremost purchaser of US armaments in the world, with over $1.1 billion in purchases

    Now Lets Talk About Pakistan

    Approximately 620,000 personnel are on active duty in the military which is the world's 7th largest armed force as of 2007. Combined with the 302,000 strong Paramilitary forces and the Coast Guard, the Military of Pakistan has a total size of nearly 1,000,000 personnel.

    Beginning in the 1960s, Pakistanis have been detailed as instructors and trainers in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. Pakistani pilots, sailors, and technicians have played key roles in some Persian Gulf military forces, and Arabs have been trained both in their home countries and in military training establishments in Pakistan.

    The Pakistan military possesses nuclear weapons and sufficient means, through a range of missiles and aircraft — to deliver these over considerably long distances.

    Pakistan has some of the best military academies in Asia and many officer corps from Asian as well as some African and Eastern European countries attend Pakistan's Military Academies.

    Pakistan had created the Pakistan Ordinance Factory at Wah Cantonment, near Rawalpindi, to produce small arms, ammunition, and explosives.

    The air force assembled Chinese F-6s and French Mirages; produced the Mushak trainer, which was based on the Swedish SAAB Safari; maintained radar and avionics equipment; after the success of Mushak the Super Mushak and Karakoram-8 Advance jet state-of-art training platform were made

    By early 2000, in a joint project with China led to the development of the JF-17 Thunder fighter and the Al-Khalid Tank. Pakistan also has taken major steps to becoming self sufficient in aircraft overhaul and modernization and tank and helicopter sales and in a transfer of technology with France led to the construction of the Agosta 90 B Submarine in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

    so  being rich does not mean that you are the best.

    and about the rest of your question you can check out the westren countries where only love marriages take place and google the divorce rate. if it is true love why is  the divorce rate highest among the rest of the world

    i think you saying my answer is not related to your question answers itself that what you just read was in english and the only reason i typed it was cause i know english thanks Allah.

    speaking english is better then speaking that filthy language of yours that is arabic

  7. I think I might actually agree with you for the first time.  Yes, too many marriages in the Middle East and South Asia are limited to superficial aspects like the boys' wealth and the girls' looks.  In South Asia, it is almost impossible to marry outside your 'caste', regardless of whether you are Muslim or not.  Apart from that, it is the girl and her family that doles out huge sums of money as dower to the groom, so the practise is reversed in South Asia.  This is very sad as some very eligible Muslims and Muslimahs who are wonderful human beings are unable to marry because they don't hold the right jobs, don't earn enough, don't have the right skin color, are the wrong height or wrong social class.

    There are Islamic societies beyond the Middle East and South Asia who obviously have their own cultural arrangements in every aspect of life.  In South East Asia, social and financial structures are pretty much flat so there aren't many people who are filty rich or dirt poor and marriages take place across the spectrum.

  8. Hmm,

    India DOES have arranged marriages as well. And the thought process is marry for family & security and love will come eventually. We do not believe in polygamy, atleast the Hindus do not.  Personally I do not believe in arranged marriages myself from experience. I have seen them work, but I have a strong dislike for it in this day and age. We are too progressive in the world to be in arranged marriages.  I do not think they are based on love. They are based on the traditions and the concept that the wife is domestic worker and child bearer and the husband will be the bread winner and decision maker. I am a firm believer in love and there is a someone in the world for each person, we just have to meet them.

    Women in todays society can get an education and have the ability to exercise their thought process and opinion. Why do we need a man to decide for us? Or have the permission to do something from a husband?  I think it is assnine - we are given a brain to think and reason - not be herded around like sheep!

    Now, in response to the first answer given, the muslims in India DO practice polygamy.  Just go to Bombay around the Mahim area or hang around at Hajiali - you will see what I mean. And if you want other examples of seeing muslims having multiple wives just look in areas in Hyderabad, Surat, New Delhi or the state of Kashmir where there is a high muslim population. And research the Indian laws. India is the only country where there are separate laws for Muslims and Hindus due to the Islamic marriages, and the Sharia.

    As far as the Punjabi guy above me goes - DUDE - apna muhun ko sambhalo, yeh ladki ne sach bola!  You have an issue with Pakistan being considered a poor country? Go make it rich!  It is what it is - she called it out like the world sees it.  Get a life instead of saying nasty, filthy things in urdu to people. And she is correct as far as you missing the entire question is concerned.  Why don't you do some research and see what some of the villagers do in Pakistan with their women?  They completely mutilate the Islamic laws to suit themselves, they marry their girls or women to the Quraan (something that people never hear about) or that they rape women and then have honor killings due to the woman carrying an illigimate child. I could go on about the way some Pakistanis practice Islam - they are a shame to the religion!

    Anyways, in answer to Mintee. I live in the west - I do not sleep around left, right and center, neither do a lot of the other christian women I know...please do not generalize. All of the Christian women are not promiscuous. It is like me calling all the Muslims terrorists. And we all know that majority of the Muslim population in the world is actually peaceful.

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