
Do you think martial law will be declared after the presidentiall election?

by  |  earlier

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I'm betting it will be in force less than a year after this upcoming election..




  1. No.  That's about as absurd as the allegations that Senator Obama isn't a US citizen.

    If for no other reason, read up on the Posse Comitatus Act for an explanation of why that cannot even be done.

    Lincoln attempted to suspend habeus corpus and was soundly rebuked by the Supreme Court.

  2. Yes.  I think Bush will declare martial law as an excuse not to leave the White House after the election, and we will all have to march on the Oval Office and kick his butt out.

  3. crazy talk.  besides i dont need marshall law.  i feel very confortable protecting my interest.

  4. There would have to be a reason for this and I can not think of one unless there was some sort of disaster or civil unrest.  

  5. No what would be the reason for martial law?

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