
Do you think matt serra will ever actually fight matt hughes? this has all ready been delayed so many times?

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Do you think matt serra will ever actually fight matt hughes? this has all ready been delayed so many times?




  1. I think it will happen.  I think Hughes needs to win his next match first though, this will give it more hype.

    Also, I think it will be a good grudge match for the UFC that will pull in high pay-per-view yeah, they will make it happen.

    Besides, great wrestler vs great bjj practioner.  It will be a nice fight.

  2. it'd be great if it was a double k.o. and they both lost.  

  3. Yeah I think the fight will happen, they both want it and the fans want to see it. UFC might may the occasional dumb move, but they for the most part are good about giving the fans the fights they want to see. Most people can't stand one or the other of these guys, which always adds to the hype around a fight. Yeah, I'd say once Hughes heals up they'll do it. Maybe we'll get lucky and it will be Hughes going away match.

  4. Matt Hughes isn't fighting anymore. He quit because of his knee.

  5. It would be a good farewell match for Hughes, and everyone loves a grudge match, so people would be sure to tune in. I would hope that they would air this on Spike TV though. I wouldnt pay to see it. Im sure once Hughes is healthy, the match will be a go.

  6. I would love to see it. How ever Serra would be dumb for taking it. He was the champ. Hughes is on a losing streak. If Serra loses, he loses to a guy that is past his prime and makes him self look stupid. If Serra wins, so what he beat a washed up man. How ever I do not think that Hughes is either of these and Think Hughes would T.K.O. him in the second round

  7. hopefully. it will be an awesome match up, but i don't think serra can win

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