
Do you think mccain is the baby daddy?

by  |  earlier

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of the baby palins teen is pregers with? lol what else explains his choice of an unknown and very inexperienced woman as vp who already has personal problems




  1. I am your Daddy.  Ask your mommy.

  2. No, its obviously Mitt Romney's baby.

  3. No. I do however think that he has fallen in love once again - something McCain is able to do in a nanosecond. He had no compunctions about doing it to his first wife Carol, and now that Cindy is no longer a sweet young thing, what better to do than to get a , relatively speaking, hot chick and put her in a position that no one could interfere like they did with the lobbyist Vickie. He has already been quoted as saying that she was his "partner and soul mate"

    Westward-you don't exactly sound calm ,cool and collected either.

  4. I think Teens will be rooting for Bristol...

  5. Oh please!  

  6. Is that question in english?

  7. No, they both just met when McCain announced his VP choice. Wink Wink Wink.

  8. The kool aid you are drinking must be very strong.  I dont even think thats democratic kool aid because most democrats arent that dumb.

  9. You really are a freakin' dreg of humanity.  The fact that you would write that is appalling. That you're a vile, disgusting lib who thinks it's funny just reinforces my resolve to vote straight republican to get rid of your dumb asses once and for all.

  10. Check behind its ear for the mark of the beast.

  11. Obama is.

  12. We don't know unless they do a DNA test;-p

    It is possible

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