
Do you think media will review Obama's pastor, mentor, and inspiration, Reverend Wright, before the election?

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Has any other candidate for President ever been associated intimately and for 20 years with a man that spewed hate for America and its people openly and with passion?




  1. Both Obama and Mccain have skeletons and their closets. Obama went to a church for 20 years, that's about 900 sermons. The media came up with four maybe five sermons of hate from this guy. Secondly Mccain has received a pass from the media with his Goo**( derogatory Asian remark from 2000). Let's except that Obama is half white and most likely doesn't hate his mother. Let's except the fact that Mccain rejected the Gandhi of America(MLK a man who preached love and tolerance). You don't have to agree with me but lets stop the personal attacks and focus on the issues that the two candidates presents. IF you don't like Obama stand on Abortion then say so? I don't Like Mccain's policy  making using religious beliefs  i.e. Abortion or g*y rights.

  2. I am pretty sure that's gotten JUST A BIT of media attention.  Just a bit.  

  3. When they review John McCains pastors.

    Mccain sought and embraces the endorsement of Pastor John Haggee who called Catholics followers of a "great w***e" "cult" religion

    McCain's personal "Spiritual Guide" Pastor Ron Parsley says quote: ".. I believe 9/11/2001, was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore [to destroy islamic religion]."

    McCain supports a 100 year war with Iraq to fulfill this prophecy?

    If McCain is going to tout Parsley as a spiritual guide its certainly worth learning more about where HIS pastor might guide the him.

    McCain sought Pastor Hagee's endorsement and defended and embraced the pastor -- saying that he was "glad to have the minister's endorsement -- even after Hagee said that Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans because of the city's "sin".

    So the American citizens hit by Hurricane Katrina deserved to die or have their lives washed away McCain?

  4. He is not Obama's pastor, mentor or inspirational source.

    Obama clearly stated he rejects Wright.

    Get your head out of the past and keep up with current events.

  5. Doubt it.

    The majority of the news stations (CNN, MSNBC, etc) are under Obama's spell!  There are MANY things said about Obama that they do not talk about, it's just ignored.

    Other Media that is letting people know of his background with Wright and all the other crooked people, get slammed.  Obama tries to quell their "free speech" by having them taken off the air!  THAT is against the constitution and he should be punished for that!  But, he doesn't deny the accusations what does that tell you?  

    The only media that I've heard anything negative about Obama is Fox.  In fact they tell you the positive and negative about both candidates.  

  6. The public is really getting tired of these lose connections getting dragged out as if they were significant.

    I never "associated intimately" with any pastor in my church and couldn't tell you their political views.  I know their spirituals views very well.

    If you have that kind of relationship in your church something is wrong.

  7. In the first place, Obama was never "associated intimately" with Wright. He simply happened to go to the same church.

    And yes--Bush, who for decades relied on Ted Haggard for his spiritual adviser--an adulterer, drug user, and user of male prostitutes.

  8. Look for 529 ads and that will certainly be brought up and it should.  I judge a man by his friends and associates and BHO's are very suspect.  I hope they blast this guy right out of the water.  The drive by media is in the can for we cannot depend on them to do investigating, so we have to depend on the 529 ads and smart McCain ads too...This guy is dangerous and we know nothing about him..I think is is totally controlled and hasn't got an original idea in his empty brain...that is why he cannot answer a question without stammering, stuttering, hemming and hawing because he he has no original ideas!  He is dense and empty...What did this guy really do.  Just remember Muslims in the middle east love him, all our foreign enemies approve of doesn't that tell you something?  The terrorist told us that they will infiltrate our government without firing a shot...Do you see a scenario like this coming...The only way to avoid this is vote for McCain/Palin 08...Our only American choice.

  9. His supporters don't care.  They're all about "Change" and "Unity" and free healthcare.

  10. The media's love affair with Obama will conflict with their reporting.

  11. Oh yes!

    Since the major media outlets are all bought and paid for by the gop, every bit of dirt (whether truthful or not) will be spread and spread again about our next president.

    The sad thing is that some Americans with extremely low IQ's will actually believe the garbage spewed out by the biased media.


  12. Oh yes. McCain has yet to pull that out and dust it out for review. October will see the Republicans reviewing all of Obamas background

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