
Do you think medical marijuana should be legal with a doctors prescription?

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medical marijuana is great for helping cancer patients, IBS, migraines, MS patients and tons of other illnesses. So how would you feel if the Federal Government would make it a 2nd class narcotic, which means, a doctor can write a prescription for you and you would either go to a pharmacy or a pot vending machine, or grow it yourself or they also put the THC in pill form. There are 12 states now that write prescriptions for medical marijuana, but the federal government still sees it as illegal.




  1. The federal government has no right to ban a plant. They try to use the 'interstate commerce act', but a plant grown and smoked in the same state technically cannot apply.

    Even beyond simple plants (dangerous dried ones), I think no drug should be illegal, as your body is not the property of the state.

  2. It should be up to each individual state. The federal government has no business telling the states what drugs they want to ban or legalize.

  3. Marijuana should be legal in all forms.

    Funny thing is, if any of the politicians were serious about global warming and "going green" to save the planet, marijuana would be legal.

    Did you know Henry Ford build the first Model T to run on hemp oil?  Oil from a weed that takes now fertilizers, not much water, and doesn't destroy the soil.

    That same marijuana (hemp) make better, stronger fibers than cotton, which is so destructive to our environment?

    That marijuana is better for most ailments than any of the chemicals that the pharmaceuticals would have us hooked on?

    You can get 4 times the paper from an acre of Hemp (marijuana) as upi can from an acre of trees?

    Ahh, but then we'll all be running around stoned, won't we?  Funny thing is, even the hemp (marijuana) that doesn't get you buzzed is illegal.

    We spend billions each year fighting the World War on Drugs, which we will never win.  The government should get smart, repeal the prohibition and tax the h**l out of it.  It would cut the budget shortfall fast.

    One of these days, Washington will wake up.

    Oh yea, and finally, there has never been a documented case of cancer or death from the use of marijuana, no matter what some of the other idiots would have you believe.

  4. Should it be legal? No, its a banned substance and should remain that way.

  5. There is already a drug form of THC on the market.  It is rather expensive, and also, not popular with physicians.  A C-2 can only be prescribed monthly.  Refills, phone ins, and fax ins are not allowed.  A pharmacy has to keep it in a safe prior to dispensing.

    We know that marijuana causes coordination impairment.  However, the length of time is not clear.  Studies suggest the impairment can last up to 1-2 days.

    Any "prescription" for marijuana is illegal.  The law states when there is a contradiction between state and federal categorization of a drug, the stricter law prevails.

    When you actually compare it to other drugs on the market, you discover it is not a wonder drug.

  6. It should just be legal in general.  If you want to destroy yourself, go for it.  The government should just watch and laugh.

  7. There is nothing more effective than removing stress than taking a none...for those who knows what I is a better option than to drink, and how drinking is still legal is beyond me...

    No mater what our difference is, or how opposite the spectrum of our upbringing, there is a mutual bond that goes beyond a mere hand shake...a barrier that is removed and what is left, is the common denominator of the enjoyment of the moment.

  8. yes and no. yes because it helps with things like relieving pain and sickness.. and no because even tho it is for medical purposes it is still a drug and people can get addicted to it and innapropriately use it..and they can die from it

  9. Yes, it should be legal to those with honest needs, the problem is it creates a grey area and is open to interpretation meaning, a person with "insomnia, or anxiety" could also get a prescription, so its fairly easy to abuse, and there are doctors out there willing to sign off on a prescription for a 100 bucks or so just by telling him you cant sleep at night, or have a shore shoulder or something.

  10. It should be legal period. You should be able to go to the same stores that carry cigarettes and get cigarettes with either tobacco or marijuana. The government could then tax it like it does cigarettes and make loads of money.

  11. i think all drugs should be legal for everyone.

  12. I'm totally opposed to the idea. First, it may be good for the list of ailments you've mentioned, but that's based largely on testimonials and a scattering of too-small, poorly designed studies. There's a method for FDA regulation of all drugs, and it's a really poor idea to let public opinion interfere with the system on individual drugs. The next time you gripe about a prescription drug having been FDA approved on less than adequate evidence, think about it.

    Second, the medical marijuana movement is at least in part an end-run around the drug laws. My personal opinion is that in the "war on drugs," we should have surrendered decades ago and decriminalized all drug use. I'm not advocating free dental care for meth-heads, but if they want to turn themselves into toothless idiots, it's not my problem.

  13. idk do u think ppl with cancer should live? NO F_ING DUH

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