
Do you think men and women are equal in the U.S.? Why or why not?

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If you think so in some ways they are equal, explain in what ways they are equal?

Please include your gender: Man or Woman & Age PLEASE!




  1. Nope.

    Wages, high-level positions in politics, education, business, etc etc etc, sexual comfort, body image, the list goes on

  2. Uh, do you mean ARE equal, or are actually TREATED equally?

    Most Americans agree that men and women are (theoretically) equal.

    However, the US is NOT among the most genuinely equitable countries in the world.

    BTW, if you want to see one example, search the Politics section of this site for posts about Hilary Clinton's run for the nomination. You'll see a LOT of rampant misogyny.

    Women still aren't reasonably represented in positions of power.

    Oh, and do some intrnet searching for the discrimination suit against Wal-Mart for more examples.

    Also, notice the misogyny in this very section. There are dozens of frequent posters who think no woman should ever be allowed to do anything but birth babies and clean house. Most are probably Americans.

    I'm 50, female.

  3. Ask the Gloucester girls if they are being treated like any other teenager.

  4. They have equal rights and opportunities.

  5. no they arent equal, as it happens its like this, women in the workforce will generally gain pretty close to a national average in income, while men work on more of the extremes of either rich or poor, but that helps them to center at roughly the same average.

  6. No because men and women are NOT equal. What do you mean by equal ?

  7. No, I don't think they are TREATED equally, but I know that we were created by God equally. Seeing as though there has never been a woman president, and since Hilary dropped out, their wont be for atleast 4 years. I am a girl who's only 10 but I know what I stand for.

  8. i think it all depends on the situation. So my answer is sometimes that is all i have 4 the answer i hope u like it : )


    I hope peoples will like this but if u don't that is OK cause that is my opinion

  9. Woman, age 31.  No they are not equal.  

    Women are stil paid less than men.  Women are expected to carry a  job and be the main caregiver of their children.  Women also do most of the housework even if wife and husband both work full time jobs.  Even in this day and age where women are also in the workforce, they are still expected to be Suzy Homemaker in addition to working.

  10. Depends on what you mean by "equal"

    Equal as in having the same political and legal rights, yes.

    Equal as in being equal in every other way imaginable, including things like physical strength, the way we handle emotions, biological functions, the way we interact with others, unfair gender bias against both sexes in some areas etc, no we are not equal.

  11. I'm male, 36 and 'Canadian' (sorry but were close enough and I believe have the same issues in this area). Women are not treated equal here in the workforce for sure... other areas I cannot attest to. I have seen this happen twice now in my industry.... A female in an important position underpaid and over worked, one was fired the other quit on her own but in both cases 2 people were required to replace each ladies position because they realized that no new employee would be able to handle the workload each lady had on their plate. I know other ladies who are held back from deserved advancement and paid less for the jobs they do then a man would be paid. It is getting better but I think there's much more room for improvement.

  12. Yep.. In fact, women in the US (and the West in general) have rights and special privileges that men don't even have.

  13. No.

    And they should not be.

    Women have certain abilities, men have others.

    Equal opportunity and affirmative action are not the same thing.

    Women will never be as aggressive or authoritative as men on the average.

    And men will never be as loving/caring or emotionally connected as women.

    And thats how it should be.

  14. yes we have the same treatment most places except bars

  15. Nowadays, it's improving but 40 years ago, no.

  16. Equal but not the same.  Guys are different from women in some ways.  Women are just as smart, just as important in the work place.  But lately it's been popular to dump on the guys.  In the commercials, it's the guy that's stupid while the female "knows the deal."  Can't have it both ways.

  17. Doubtful.

           In school and that women are allowed to get away with murder (figuratively). In the judicial system they are allowed to get away with murder (literally).

          The divorce courts err mean family court is so biased....

      No. Men and Women are not equal.

         Politicians don't care about our votes (guys), we have a harder time finding student aid and only one's who have to face a possible draft.

       Marriage is nothing more than 21st century slavery...

            And now with the equal outcome movement it is just disgusting how selfish, hateful and oppressive feminists are.

                + We have 0% reproductive rights. We could use a condom, then throw it out and some random chick could fish it out and use it to inseminate herself and bam your stuck paying child support for a child you didn’t want. (never happened to me.. goes right down the toilet and flush.. but I know people it happened to and it is just.. revolting the lack of rights we men have).

            The government spends all kinds of money to help women at every level of society, but only cares about us guy's when it is time to collect tax's or to send us to some place far from home to die.


      All in all the American "dream" is an American "Nightmare" for us.

          Women might have been discriminated in the past. But honestly, I don’t care. All I know is that us guys are being discriminated against now.


    Age: 23

  18. Absolutely not.  Women are the caregivers of our society.  These jobs often don't pay that much (example childcare workers).  We care for the elderly mostly.  We make 76 cents to man's dollar (and less depending on your ethnicity).  The average women is out of the work force for 14 years of her life caring for others.  These women get less social security because of this time spent 'not working'. Women are less likely to receive a pension, and on average if they do it is 50% of a man's.  Elderly women receive less money, but on average live longer.  If a women is raped she is often questioned as to why she was in that place, dressed that way, or acting that way, as if she should limit herself, so she doesn't tempt men into raping her.

    It is also not far for men.  They are socialized into hypermasculine roles.  Our role models are anorexic actresses, while a boys might be a huge, super masculine wrestler.  They have standards that they have to live to that are just as hard as women's.  Not every man is out to rape women.  Not every man loves sports.

  19. people are not guaranteed equality,only equal should notice the obvious inequalities of people just reading some of these Q&A's

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