
Do you think men and women are equal in todays society?

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Please let me know what you think. Thanks.




  1. yes?

  2. no women are not equal. in western society, women are still judged so much more on appearance. however many women pander to that idea and use their sexuality to get what they want, especially celebs. for example, rhianna, the singer was just a sweet girl with a catchy song when she first came out and even tho she became sucessful she still decided she had to use her looks to really make it big, similar to this is mariah scary etc. holywood celebs all trying to be a size 0 etc etc its a shame coz they dont need to and make it hard for every day women.

  3. I think we're as equal as we are ever going to be.

  4. If men and women are equal in today's society, why are feminists still lingering around?

  5. only in a perfect world

  6. I think in the western world we have fairly similar opportunities, but a person would have to be fairly bull-headed to ignore some of the unequal cultural messages about men and women - but it can be done :-)

  7. women are betta  :D :D :D

  8. I was once in an incident were we had no running water nor electricity for days Two women who would not look at me ask to spend the nite at my home Other women were running to us man for help One day while we were all getting water out of the one pool to bring to these ladies I said ''today were are hero's tomorrow scum'' The guys all said ''no s**+#'' No we are not equal My daughter and I would fight about this She moved into a home in Calif with ''a man of the 21 century'' her partner in life as she put it During a big earthquake he ran out of the house without checking on her She left him and we don't fight about this.

  9. no even though there has been much done to try to make it so.

    its like if a man and a women were to get up to say a managerial position in a company in most cases the man would get it anyway becaus eof society and the stereotype of me being more influential, superior and obviously because of the whole masculinity, power relation to men. but if both sexes had the same managerial position in a company the majority of the time the man would be more highly payed and regarded.

  10. We should be but there is a gender gap in women's pay. Women can have the same career, amount of time they work, and the same education as a man and they get payed less they what they should get payed. That's a sign of gender discrimination. But in my business I pay everyone fairly. That's why Feminist are arguing. Either fix that problem are feminist are still going to be around. But I think we all have same opportunities but a lot of people are sexist about a women's superiority.

  11. No, women are superior, they produce men.  Not that it counts for anything in the workplace.  A recent survey found that law firms paid their female solicitors substantially less than their male counterparts which is unlawful.  So if law firms are flouting the law where do we go from there?  You go figure.

  12. I believe men and women are pretty much equal in today's society.  Heck, if a woman finds out she makes less than her male counterparts, for whatever reason, she can sue for millions of dollars.

  13. No and it never will be just the same as in any other creature culture on earth

  14. In most modern cultures men and women have the same rights and similar opportunities but it goes without saying there are still ignorant people who wish to hinder the rights of certain groups of individuals(whether they are male or female)

  15. duh!! we women are far superior

  16. for the most part, yes.  men and women are treated equally.

  17. I dont think men and women are treated equally, really, if we are honest about it, women are judged very much by their appearance still(as the other person said).

    People try to make out that we are treated equally but we arent. Men constantly think  they are more intelligent than women, because in human nature women are seen as the ones that are meant to attract the mate, and men are the ones who are meant to do.........whatever their meant to do.

    I actually read somewhere that if an attractive couple have a baby its 85% more likely to be a girl, and that woman are evolving more and more and their genetics are becoming more perfect, whereas men are lagging behind, i think this is true, the average woman is generally more attractive than the average male, i think men and women arent treated equally, because we arent equal, not trying to say that men are better than women or women better than men, but we just have different purposes in this world.

  18. Yes, pretty much. When the feminists say that women get unequal pay, that is a stereotype. Many employers are changing. Also, some women don't seem to want to snatch the larger job positions. II wonder why...

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