
Do you think men just see women as s*x objects?

by  |  earlier

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That we sud just be quiet and look pretty

I thort that when women got the vote things wud have changed.

But still women are selling themselves out to men.

Thanks for any answers





  1. women are voted for presidency these i would say women are as good as men baring in the thought of where the both gender stands,some sad and useless men do see women as petty lil ragdolls that is thrown around,heartless men think that way but not all though..some sensible men look at women like a piece of diamond which is obviously like a priceless thing(i think ya get whut i mean)

  2. Only sad little children see women as s*x objects

    Real men know they'll make good dishwashers too :D

  3. I'm an older, experienced guy, and you need to ignore all this feminist propaganda about sexual roles, OK?

    Here are some things you need to be aware of, if you're not going to turn into a bitter, man-hating b&tch that no men want to be with:

    1. Men AND women, BOTH love s*x. We have this bizarre culture, where most females play this game of "oh, men are perverts, they only want one thing.." but they want it just as much. All you, as a female have to do to get s*x, is cave in and say "yes".

    Then so many of you, having DONE that, play the game again, of making us out to be pervs, but YOU wanted the s*x too, and got it. So that's a silly little game you play, to keep appearing 'chaste".

    THAT is old-fashioned, Victorian, so don't blame us for 'sticking to the old ways' or whatever.

    2. WOMEN use their sexuality as bait, for not only sexual situations, but job opportunities, attention, etc.  

    So I think it's bizarre to blame men for this. It works, you use it, and if you don't like that, then stop doing it.  

    OK, that's what I have to say about the 'sexual politics' part of it, because honey, it IS sexualizing politics when you get into this strange place of dragging women voting rights or whatever into s*x - that's one HUGE problem with feminism - politicizing sexuality.

    3. To answer your main question, and your first sentence:

    I do NOT see women just as s*x objects. In fact, I won't have s*x with a woman until I know here VERY well, for many, many reasons (not the least of which, I've had 4 women try to trap me into impregnating them, so they'd have financial support for the next 18 years. How Victorian and old-fashioned is that???)

    I love a girl who is smart, educated, NICE, actually LIKES MEN, not just views us as a 'means to an end' (usually financial in nature), a girl who can talk about more than just what's going on in her immediate life. A girl who isn't b&tchy, doesn't complain all the time, but actually

    good company and a good conversationalist.

    To sum it up and make it easy for you, here is what you are missing in the 'big picture' of things:

    Many girls/women, learn very early in life (like at puberty) that they can get LOTS of attention by using their sexuality, looking and acting sexual, etc. They use that, and they THINK it's working for them, because of the thrill they get from all the attention they're getting.

    Well, if you use s*x as bait, you will GET s*x in return.

    So, after throwing themselves out there as sexual bait, they (you?) then are MAD AT MEN for only paying attention to them sexually.

    Hello? What do you expect?

    If all that you have cultivated about yourself, is your sexuality-sexniess (and I see this CONSTANTLY in girls/women who spend ALL their time on their looks, and very little on their MINDS), then us men are only going to find that part of you interesting.

    Because you are BORING in every other way.

    It's pretty simple.

    Cultivate what you want us to be interested in.

    If the only thing that's interesting to us is your body, then that's what we're going to go after.

    If your MIND is interesting, then we will be interested in THAT.

    Pretty simple when you think about it.

    But blaming US for this is just 100% absurd, and will get you nowhere.

  4. Some men do but not all of them do.  Women are selling themselves to men because it brings in money.  There will always be women like this and unfortunately that means that there will always be men who think women are s*x objects.  The media promotes this mentality with their advertising.  Everything these days is advertised with s*x  (A naked or half naked woman) so we are teaching and reinforcing this mentality.

  5. The majority of men do but some don't.  It is probably down to the way they have been raised whether or not they respect women.  Feminism has failed women because the plan was to create equality and we have just bought into emulating men instead of keeping retaining our femininity.  Equality never meant that we should be promiscuous in the same way that men are.  I believe that the majority of women are really looking for love not just s*x but have lowered their standards to fit in with the crowd.

  6. people see what they need in another person, humans and pretty much all animals are basically inhernetly selfish

    I had an injury about a month ago that has left me with a low testosterone and a low s*x drive(inability to get erection) and I begin to realize how useless I am to women

    This is just a sad part of life

  7. Wow.  What women are you hanging around that are "still selling themselves?".  Most of the women I know have balanced, happy lives which include children and careers.  Additionally, looking pretty is something I do for me and I am certainly not quiet. Yet I have a hubby who is my equal.  So I don't really understand where your generalized philosophy comes from.  Please explain.  

  8. Women will forever sell them selves out to men, because men are so easy to sell to.

    I asked one of my (male) Best friend'recently aboutut strip clubs, and if he looked "down" on the girl on stage. He advised that hneverre once thought less off her and it was just a bit fun, he alsmentioneded that he made good friends with some of the stripers, and respected them even more then his male friends.

    The truth is women will always need to fight, for equal rights etc... butunfortunatelyy for Us (the female species) it's morelikelyy other women who willdegraded another women.whetherr it be that this women is more expressive sexually, prettier, smarter etc... the majority of men, who are over the age of 20 and have a brain, don't see women this way at all...  

  9. no - but most would like a proper babe thou- do women see blokes that way?

  10. Being quiet and lookin pretty would be nice

  11. Unfortunately yes, of course some do.  I think there will always be these types of men around as well.  

  12. most men dont see women as s*x objects and only little sadoes see them as that

    women and men are people so they are all equal

  13. No!

    this is not right

  14. No, trust me not all of us. Don't worry there really are great guys out there.

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