
Do you think men or women are more beautiful?

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Lets say you have a man and a woman. Both have perfect bodies by your standards.

which one is more beautiful? better to look at it? which gender wins in beauty?




  1. MEN.

  2. Women.  We have more accessories to work with...big pretty eyes, nice hair, nice eye brows, pretty lips, brest, stomach, hips, behind, legs, calfs, feet, hands...its a total package and more to look at.

  3. Everything in nature is beautiful

  4. I'd say the woman is probably more beautiful but it's hard to guess, I've seen some lovely men too.

  5. Both beautiful in their own ways :)

  6. Female body. It's more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion.

  7. Depends on my mood.  A very cut/athletic male body is quite beautiful and awe inspiring but a beautiful womens body is all soft and curvey.

    It's like comparing pasta to steak.  Depends on the day (and my mood).

  8. Women

  9. I think that in general, women have more beautiful bodies than men.

    But if there were a perfect woman and perfect man standing side by side, both would be almost exactly equally beautiful to me. I might lean towards the woman a bit, as it is my personal bias.

  10. Both human forms are beautiful in thier own way.  Personally I prefer male as that is what I am attracted to.  Perfection to me is more than just the physical but I think that you are just refering to the physical.

  11. Women obviously since I'm a straight dude. But a question like this is always interesting. How do you compare men to women, since they have different body parts, and I would think the more attractive one would be to the opposite s*x, men in favor of female body , women in favor of male body.

    After all I would think they would find the opposite s*x's body parts and features more attractive if that's what they are attracted to, turns them on and having s*x with, I mean that would seem logical after all. And wouldn;t aesthetics and the design be a part of this in the sexual sense? After all aesthetics apply regarding a woman having a nice ***, as well as b*****s and apparently as well for women or what I remember a women saying a cute or nice butt on a man is one that is round, firm, and compact, so are aesethetics not involved with that as well as other body parts as well?

  12. Being objective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we are both beautiful and masterpieces of biological engineering.

    However being me: I think the man is, but I'm not straight, as you probably guessed.

    [If you're a woman and don't accept the fact that different people have different tastes, please quit reading.]

    A more detailed explanation? I know I'm biased, but I'll try to go into details; I hate fat (and we tend to have less fat, we can lose it faster and we don't accumulate it so much as them), I love a muscular instead of a fat, I prefer good pectorals over sacks of fat hanging from the chest, also I don't like the fat ankles women have. But I think on other aspects women win, like less body hair (they don't need to shave as much as I do, that is something I envy of them), also women tend to look better with makeup (probably because I'm not used to makeup on men), but without makeup a beautiful man's face wins hands down. Well, I also like muscles, not too much, but a ripped guy is the hottest thing on earth.  And....I prefer the sight of an erect p***s over a v***a any day.


    Now, to fight the chauvinist vision of women being the beautiful s*x (just for a change), I leave you with Schopenhauer's words;

    "Only the male intellect befogged through the sexual impulse could call that undersized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged s*x, fair; for in the sexual impulse resides its whole beauty. With more justice than the fair s*x, one might call the female the unaesthetic s*x. "

  13. Both male and female bodies are beautiful in their own ways, you cant really compare the two because they are so different. There is nothing more pleasing than my mans back, arms and shoulders, his hands are also beautiful. He has such wonderful eyes that make me melt...xx

  14. The male of every species is the best looking: Cardinals, Lions, Peacocks, Blue Jays, Gorrillas, and so on.

    From a purely objective perspective, why would human males be any different?

    Male cardinals still prefer only having s*x with female cardinals, even though the female is uglier. It's just our genes.

  15. To me, the male body is more sexually attractive.  

    However, in terms of pure aesthetic beauty and breathtaking-ness, the female body is definitely the winner.

  16. Well being a hetrosexual male I think women are more beautiful but some just arn't and most of them are feminists I suspect.

    Ah I've just re-read the question I know what you're getting at now.

    Sexually obviously a women but the statue of David in my opinion is the greatest work of art in history so I'd say that the perfect male body is not more beautiful but is more awe inspiring.

  17. Everything is beautiful, in its own way. Men and women are not inherently less good looking one from the other but the media usually portray men as rough and unkempt whilst women are portrayed as neat and pristine. That's distortion by the media.

    On the face of it, women APPEAR to be more beautiful but that is only because of all the makeup they slap on and because their images are airbrushed to h**l and back.

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