
Do you think men perfer there women to be not as smart as them?

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Chumbawa...I knew someone would pick on that I hope you feel good now. You really burned me.




  1. No I don’t; my boyfriend loves me and I think we are intellectually the same. Just pointing out that it should be their and not there!

    Why does it matter anyway, everyone has their own capabilities handed down to them from their ancestors. Through natural selection we are produced, we are made to survive. Male or female we have the same capacity for learning and progressing; we are designed humans. I do not understand why it is such a task for people to comprehend that we are all here to live out our short time; all here because of luck. So why is most of the time fighting?

    The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking. - A. A. MILNE

  2. i think  men want someone they can talk to and not only have the physical attraction cuz she is hot, you know what im saying?

  3. Everyone is an individual. Only an insecure person would be worried about their partner out smarting them.

  4. Yes from personal experience with men they like to out do women in everything. If they could birth to babies just to say they did it better they might.

  5. Yes, man prefer woman to be less smarter, If woman are smarter than her husband, she will dominate the husband

  6. I think they like to be smarter in SOME areas. (About subjects they think they have some sort of expertise in) but I think they also like the women to be smarter in OTHER areas. It's always nice to learn something from someone, and men do like intelligent conversation every now and then!

  7. I don't think they do.  No one wants to be stuck with a dead weight.

  8. I suppose some do.  My husband and I have what I would consider comparable IQ's but different skill sets where he's got an almost photographic memory and great mechanical skills, I lean more toward Math/Accounting/Organization.

    Fairly standard male/female skills but we get along great.

    I do find that men are far more forgiving of stupidity in women.  They seem to find airhead cute and amusing while I just find them annoying (male or female).

  9. I don't think so, nobody likes to suffer someone they percieve to be a fool. smart women are attractive to me.

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