
Do you think men will start getting married at lesser frequencies?

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I mean looking at the stats and facts on marriage (esp. stats on how much a woman's SOL{financially/relative to singlehood} improves and man's declines during marriage), & increasing sexual liberalism in singles, as well as women making more money and supporting themselves as singles (also driving the price of dating for a man downward) --- do you think all of this will eventually lead to less men getting married ?




  1. Well, considering men and women marry each other, and woman increasingly have their own reasons for not wanting to get married, I suspect marriage will become less common in the future.

    Besides, what's the point?

    By the way, ladies, a study has proven that live-in boyfriends do more housework than husbands. So don't marry the guy, and get him busy with his boxer shorts.

  2. well im married and my husband married me when he was 19. some people will, some wont keep getting married. then again I wont ever be an SAHM so we are still making money and we had s*x before we got married, so we didnt marry each other just for that.

    He does all the cooking and loads of cleaning so husbands do still clean Tracey if you are with a decent one.

  3. It led to less women getting married, so maybe.

  4. Well, so far it hasn't proven to be the case.

    In fact, after being in freefall for a couple of decades, it seems the marriage rate is starting to plateau out, and some people are even talking about turning this around in the next couple of decades.

    Of course, just as soon as same s*x marriage is legalised everywhere, those stats will be jumping right up again ~ and just watch how many men are ready to tie the knot, then.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Most people want to get married, but they're waiting longer.

    Camille Paglia says that in prior times, there was a courtship before s*x. She says that the sexual liberation of women has done away with that and men and women can now have s*x without commitment. According to her, this is why people wait until much later to get married and that this will advantage men.

    While both, men and women, wait to get married, men will opt for the younger woman. She predicts a generation of 35 year old men marrying women in their 20's. I already notice a trend in age-gap relationships. Many of the girls in my office are dating much older (10 years and up) men.

  6. Many men are put off marriage - especially wealthy men - because it leaves them legally wide open to exploitation. I think Paul McCartney is a case in point...

    ... when he married this wonderful lady

  7. It's possible, but most men are capable of falling in love and forgetting everything they thought was bad about marriage.

  8. I don't really think so. There are more women than men in the world, and the majority of women still want to get married. Right now, men, more or less, have their pick of the litter. If they want to get married, they definitely can. Many of the ones who don't want to have women pressuring them and a lot of those guys give in. Now, with more women being able to take care of themselves and/or wanting to be single/not get married, that just reduces the # of women available to men...but still leaves them plenty and several to harass them about marriage. Besides, a good # of women value marriage for more than s*x and finances. They can offer themselves the world but still want someone to share the world with...

  9. Unless the intent is to have a family, along with all of its attendant responsibilities,  I see no reason to marry.

    Most animals in the kingdom are not monogamous.  Only where there is a need for both the male & female to bring up the offspring together do you find those who mate for life.  

    Otherwise, enjoy each others company, & move on when it's time.

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