
Do you think men & women rule with their hearts or their minds?

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What about logic versus reason, men & women, what do they live by? Desire versus logic? Hearts versus minds? Men versus women's way of thinking on all of these? Thanks.




  1. I try hard to think with my heart, but I typically think with my mind.

    When my heart is screaming at me loud enough, my mind becomes obsolete, but that rarely happens as my mind is very stubborn(:

    I tend to place myself in situations I would much rather be in when the choices I make, are made with my heart instead of my mind.

    Men think with their penises.

  2. You need a good balance of both.

    Having too much heart in things can make you reckless and having too much logic can make you completely boring.

    Men are really logical I noticed. They're really practical about everything. Women are very in tune with their emotions and the way their hearts feel.

    But I think having both really works out well.


  3. men think by their heart when it comes to women but women are mean and think by their brain, no wonder most men dont get their true love coz the selfish girl just looks for someone who can provide her well not someone who truly loves her

  4. men dont have logic they think with their willies where as women think with their hearts n head

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