
Do you think mexico is a poor country?

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Do you think mexico is a poor country?




  1. wellin rocky point i see lots of buildings that looked like they were bomed

  2. From what I understand some parts are poor just like some parts of America are poor.

    But well...I guess I would say Mexico's poor areas are poor-errr.

  3. i say the only reason why they're poor is because they have no taxes. Lifesytle is a bit cheaper but not by much.

  4. It all depends on where you go. There are many areas that are very beautiful and other areas that are very low class still. Where i go every year is ok it is some what modernized but areas around there are still suffering

  5. Poor, NO... Oppressed, YES

  6. poor, no. corrupted, yes.

    The rich are very rich and the poor are very poor.

    You can make the cops do or hide anything if you bribe them with just a few bucks.

  7. Absolutely.  that is why so many Mexican people want to come here and are willing to take jobs below minimum wage.

  8. No, definetely NO, go to Monterrey, Santa Fe, Polanco, Antara, Guadalaajara, Cancun, and you tell me if mexico is a poor country

  9. There are probably more poor people there than in the US. But we're gaining on them!

  10. I think so.  I think the general population is poorer as a whole.  If they weren't, why would so many be scrambling over here illegally and living in squalor instead of staying in their own country?

  11. Yes, I dont think it is a poor country it IS a poor country. There are no jobs in mexico. Computer programmers are lucky to be dishwashers. Why do you think Mexican citizens are immigrating to america.

    However, Mexico is a beautiful place to retire like my father has done. There are many many places that look like paradise.

  12. Well compared to the US h**l yeah but in reality everybody in Mexico have what they need to live and ok life and almost everybody is debt free. The houses and cars are not bad.... it's poor compard to the us but for the perople that live ther it's an ok place.

  13. Not one of the poorest in the world.  There are many countries poorer than Mexico.

  14. It really depends on your perspective.  I'm an American citizen from Texas and I've lived in Mexico for the past year teaching English.

    I live in Celaya, Guanajuato, which is a very large city.  The school I teach at is a private school and my students are from EXTREMELY wealthy families.  These people would be considered wealthy in any country of the world.  Of course, there are EXTREMELY poor people that live here as well.  Of course, the poor percentage is greater than the wealthy percentage.  Really, Mexico seems poor because there is little to no middle class.  The quality of life differences are so extreme it's difficult to see past the bad.

    I make a decent amount of money with my position and I live quite comfortably.  Of course, it's not close to the decadent lifestyle I was used to in Texas, but I'm not suffering by any means.

    To Pop Princess, rather than insulting people from other countries, you should take a look around your own country.  I've only been here a year and I've seen plenty of houses without plumbing or even a decent roof.  Not only while driving across the country, but in Celaya.  In fact, when I was looking for houses to rent, I looked at one that didn't even have a bathroom.  The water came from a well.

  15. its either really poor or really rich

    and the rich people are rude snobs

    i live in san antonio so they always come up during the holidays to shop and they act like they are better than everyone and they are so freaking loud and rude!

  16. Mexico, might be one of the richest Latin American countries, one of the richest man in the world is Mexican, but there is still alot of poverty in the country. It has a very big economy, but the riches are not well balanced. Too many poor and to few rich people. To be consider as a rich nation, there should be less poverty in the country. But there may be opportunities in this country to improve your life standard.

  17. some areas maybe, but not all mexico, Mexico ti's a beautiful place to live, i live in Mexico and my lifestyle is very good, i have a great job, i have a nice car, i live in a beautiful city, with clubes, malls, beautiful beaches. Maybe yes there are a lot of pooor people, but also ther are a lot of rich peolpe, but most of people is middle, not a poor, not a rich, but they live very good. you should visit Mexico someday and you will discovery that mexico is not a poor country

  18. no!! mexico is a country soon to make it's mark on the international scene

  19. Well, in general I would have to say yes. But as everything, there will always be a poorer and richer country. Mexico is poorer than USA or Canada, but is a richer than, I don't know, El Salvador or Haiti; I guess its a country of contrasts, you have the poor and the rich, separated by our social standards. It's sad because I'm mexican and I would love to say no, but yes, economicaly speaking it is a poor country. On the bright side, money is not everything, neither the most important thing, and we have plenty of the other!

  20. Dear Pepito,

       Countries are classified in first, second or third world. America is really rich. We are so spoiled. We are definitely lucky. In Mexico, it is poor, but my family was rich in Mexico. They had a coffee plantation, but my dad wanted to marry my mom and become a doctor here as well-moving on. If you make 100,000 a year in Mexico, you are super rich. In Mexico, most people don't have indoor pluming ( which is a luxury which we don't realize) or anything. Now you see why many Mexicans move here. This is the dream life for many poorer people in poor countries. Third World countries don't get to go to school because they work on the farms, or have clothes. So when you people whine 'that's not fair', really think about those people.

    Go to for more info.

    Hoped that helped

    -Rebecca A

  21. In some parts of the country it is poor but there are some very  rich people there . I guess just like anywhere else

  22. Mexico is richer than you. i'm probably richer than you and i'm a hobo using the computer at the sony store. gotta go, i think i hear the manager

  23. There are a lot of poor people in Mexico. There are lot of wealthy people, too. There's just not much in the middle.

    If you travel the country, you'll find a lot of povery in both the cities and villages.

    This has much to do with a generally corrupt government and an unstable economy.

  24. no.

    it is just a country with loads of poor people.

    luna bug...

    that is so wrong.

    actually mexico city has some of the poorest zones in the country.

    there are lots of places well welthier than there.


    what the h**l are you talking about?

    i live in mexico and i don't know anyone who doesn't have plumbing, agh. you american ignorants make me sick.

  25. i say the only reason why they're poor is because they have no taxes. Lifesytle is a bit cheaper but not by much. O CARAMBA!!!!  


  26. Sorta, but in the large cities like Mexico City life style is similar to that of the United States.  Things cost a little more, not sure why.  Small towns in Mexico are on the poverished side of things though.

  27. I think its one of the most progressive countries in the world.  Those who are able to find prosparity in Mexico can definately make a good living in Mexico.

    I know that mexico is growing dramatically in the number of middle class and upper middle class households, due to American, Japanese, European and other industrial nations investing into Mexico big time in the recent years.

  28. Some parts, not the WHOLE's actually the world's twelfth largest economy!

    It still needs more improvement (obviously) but i wouldn't say, as a whole, it's as bad as other countries...

  29. no, some parts are,but are other counties that are way poorer.

  30. I dont think the word POOR can define the Mexican is more complex than this word.

    Mexico often is refered as a Top Heavy Economy....Very poor but very rich at the top, indeed...

    There you can see Mr Slim, which is the 2nd richest man in the world (just behind Gates according to Forbes).....I live in the Northeast of Mexico and I can see how the Southernmost point of Texas; US (Rio Grande Valley) is growing thanks to the Mexican Wealthier Families ..(they cross the border to shop and entertainment)....In the other can see a lot of Poverty also...unfortunatley slums are quite common in the Mexican cities....

    But Mexico is not doing that bad....

    Actually is one of the biggest economies in the world, and some areas in Mexico has higher standards of living than Eatern European Countries or Spain........Some analysts (Goldman Sachs) says Mexico is called to be one of the fastest growing economies this century ..toghether with China, India, Russia and Brazil......

    Income may be lower than in the US, but on avarage, Mexicans have bigger earnings than those in Africa, South and Central America, Asia (except japan, the Gulf and the Pacific economies) and even than in Eastern Europe.

    Some analysts now, consider Mexico (with a bunch other countries) as a newlly industrialized country

    An upper-middle income country or a Country with High Human Development Index:

    If you ask me to think into a Poor Country I would think in Congo, Myanmar or Haiti.......

  31. Yes.  I don't just think it's poor, it IS poor.  My brother has lived there for about 20 years.

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