
Do you think mexico is a powerful country?

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what do you think about this country.




  1. yes i do think it is a powerful country,infact its becoming more and more powerful each year

  2. Yes we are, but we have the worst and most mediocre governors in the world.


  3. Yes, a growing economy, more educated people than ever before. I live there and see it growing around me every day.


  5. In Latin America it is.  Along with Brazil

  6. in which aspect, economico, studies?

    I think that mexico if have single future it is necessary to have a base which is the impulse to excel in all the aspects,

  7. Yes, globally it is becoming more powerful, and neighbouring states are reliant upon Mexican produce and trade. Recession is fast healing in that part of the world, and in 30 years time will almost certainly be a bigger player on the world stage.

    Mexico City is the most populated city in the world, small business is growing there and the average Mexican is becoming more wealthy by the decade.

    After some research I also note that Mexico has it's highest educational graduation rate in history, I think the number of skilled workers that will emerge from this can only bolster the economy and hence the GDP.

  8. Mexico is a land of contrast, in one side you have completely Mexican own companies that rate among the key players on their field on the economic seen, and in the other there is a lack of satisfaction of basic needs in 60% of the Population.

    It is fighting a spot for the 10 largest economy in the world along with Brazil, Spain, South Corea, and sometimes Holland,

    ´Mexico does not have a powerful army, and almost never invest on weapons, in fact the Mexican Air force and navy has some planes and ships that date all the way to world war II,

    So its powerful enough economicaly speaking but not in other fields.

  9. Although Mexico may not be as powerful on the global stage as perhaps the European Union, United States, Japan, China, and some other nations, it would still certainly be a mistake to underestimate its place in the world. My own understanding is that Mexico nevertheless has one of the largest economies in the world (second largest in Latin America), is classified as an upper-middle-income country, and is categorized as having a relatively high degree of human development compared to most countries. I do sense that many people have underestimated Mexico's level of economic development--probably in large part because of the image given to it by issues surrounding immigration, as well as its traditional image in Hollywood and the media.

    I once spent a semester studying abroad in Mexico and have since traveled there on many other occasions, and have thus seen the country for myself and learned to separate the myth from reality. Regrettably, some of the questions and comments others have made to me when discussing my travels to Mexico make it seem that they believe me to be travelling to a third world country! While this is certainly not true of all people, I do find it frustrating that some people sell Mexico short not only in economic terms but also seemingly in cultural terms. There is so much more depth to Mexican culture than warm beaches, sombreros, and tequila. A trip to the Teotihuacan Pyramids, the Palace of Fine Arts, Archeology Museum, National Palace, Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City, and so many other venues would quickly open one's eyes to the cultural richness it offers.

    I know that I probably sound like I have a chip on my shoulder, but I guess it somewhat irks me as someone who has been to the country and learned to love it that there are those who view the country in such ignorant and degrading terms....

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