
Do you think mexico is the king of concacaf?

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they are they have showed it and when they play the us soccer team in mexican soil they will win and become top king who agrees?




  1. currenlty no

    national team:USA



  2. of course they will y do u think US never wants to play over there

  3. **** yeahhh im serious fifa know that mexico is better than usa  just because usa is the champion of gold cup doesnt mean that usa is better than mexico **** haters mexico es el papi de centroamerica

  4. when will people stop saying that mexico didnt make it to the olympics.... haha if you US fans knew anything youd know that its the U-23 team that didnt make it not the Mens Team dumb asses! Besides that wasnt all of the U-23 players the ones in Europe werent able to come and help.... the only reason why the US made it was because they had ALL of their U-23 players even the ones that play in Europe  and thats because their sorry *** teams were not needing any of them. Haha and you US fans want to talk about whos better and who has more players in Europe.... name one of your players that is playing for a Major European club???? Thats right you cant tell me nothing! Cause there isnt one. Jozy Altidore is gonna ride the bench in VIllareal and the only reason why there are so many US players in the English League is because Fulham is Owned by a white dude and he brought some trash from the US over to his sorry *** team. No Wonder theyre always in trouble of relegation. Enough said. i think ive made my point. FIFA rankings mean nothing, if you really believe that Israel is better than both the US and Mexico then you must be the dumbest @ss!oles in the face of the planet. VIVA MEXICO!

  5. PLaymaker heres one of those words "PENDEJOS"!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. okay I dont believe there is a "king" of concacaf.

    if Mexico is king then thats a pretty sorry king.

    if US is king then they would prove it everytime they play.the US is too inconsistent.

    sometimes they are awesome.

    and sometimes they choke horribly.

    Mexico is the same way.

    they are quality at times and

    they are absolutely unnacceptable at others.

    that olympic qualifying Mexico team was inferior.those games showed me that.

  7. They have always been Kings. And they are going to win the world cup in 2010. This question does not stop me from hating you so bad.

  8. yes mexico has always been the king and its never gonna change

  9. of course

  10. oh its another beautifulfutbol lol i was like wtf why is she adding me to her contacts well your the real beautifulfubol babe ;-)

  11. Keep saying USA is better those who say it.You guys wish you would have a stadium like ours.USA doesn't even think of going to the Aztec cause they are scared that we will their @SOSes there no matter what.You wish you could taste whats it like to be in the Azteca.freaking losers from special ed Soccer classes.MEXICO!!!!!!!1

  12. Everyone knows Mexico is the king of CONCACAF its just that they are too afraid to admit it

  13. of course NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. haha a Clone.....

    Ok so i figured that I have to show you guys who is superior between Mexico and the U.S. I want to say that in no way am i Dissing the U.S. as a country, it's where I live and I am forever thankful to the U.S. giving us freedom. But I gotta say that I hate the U.S. National Futbol Team because of their players. I will NEVER root for the U.S.

    Ok there have been 55 matches, Mexico has won 30, USA has won 15 and they tied 10 times. The last time that Mexico beat the U.S. was about three years ago, not 10 like some people want you to believe. Mexico hasn't been able to beat the U.S. in their turf in 10 years but the U.S. has NEVER beaten Mexico in our turf and they have only tied once.

    This shows that Mexico has always been superior and if the U.S. wants to prove that they are better they better not let Mexico beat them During the Next 20 years and then I'll believe U.S. is the true King of CONCACAF. For Now you have to accept the truth and live with it.

  15. i think we can all accept that the USA and mexico fairly dominate concacaf affairs.

    don't refer to the fifa rankings for this. mexico only went down because they haven't played in a long time. the amount of games played for every team around the world isn't at equilibrium. i can guarantee that mexico and the USA can take down several teams ranked higher.

    if you want to go into history, mexico has more victories over the USA. so far mexico has dominated. some USA fans like to reference the last several games and use that as a doctrine to claim that USA has always been on top. not so.

    the last time they played, 2-2. that's a fact. if you factor in that mexico was missing 5 starters and that the USA was missing several also then you might be tempted to disregard the game. not so fast. with the players that mexico had and the players that USA had, they were tied. end of story. take from that whatever you want.

    talent wise, mexico outclasses USA. i'm sure good leadership will move them in the right direction and make them move up constantly, rather than play inconsistently. sure USA fans would like to make the argument that they have been winning recently... too bad they barely touched the ball in any of the games.

  16. No, USA is the Gold Cup champion.  Fifa ranks USA above Mexico.  Last game I saw of Mexico vs Honduras, Mexico lost.  h**l, last time I heard about the Olympics, Mexico got eliminated by Guatemala!  So much for Mexico's future in soccer.

    I think it's fair to say that Mexico is NOT THE KING OF CONCACAF.

    Without the Azteca (fans throwing things at players, pollution) and Mexican organizers cheating outside the soccer field to inconvenience other teams, Mexico wouldn't even be in top 3 of CONCACAF.  Canada is better than Mexico.

  17. haha please they are just as sorry as you... :] and trust me thats pretty bad dude. oh and ahahaha to the picture lol

    oh and to that mexican dude with the wanna be "famous" c**p i dont care if you hate me :]

  18. A picture is worth a thousand words:

    Edit:  "They have showed it"???? When??? Losing to Honduras? Losing to Guatamala?  getting embarressed by Argentina? Failing to qualify for the Olympics?

    Cruz azul:  here's another one of those words:  "PINCHE BABOSOS!!!!"

  19. PLAYMAKER on the pix u put on, look in the background theres only a few people i think USA were celebrating by themselfs...haha  

  20. well since CONCACAF consists central america and up, the only good competitors would be mexico, usa, honudras, costa rica, canada,  el salvador, and jamaica

    as a league: Mexico no doubt

    as a club: Santos Laguna

    as a national team: Mexico even tho g*y usa and homoduras are starting to grow (baby steps bitchesss!!!!!)

    So to answer ur question.... HELLSS TO DA MUTHA FUCKEN YEA!!!! MEXICO f***s EVERYONE IN THE *** IN SOCCER

    so stick to women soccer.... like anyone watches that ****

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