
Do you think models are paid too much?

by  |  earlier

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If yes, why?

If no, why?




  1. Yes, they just need a gorgeous face and very "stylish" poses. And that will do the job.

  2. Not necessarily. Put it into perspective. Who's paying them for their faces/bodies? Answer: huge corporations with an insane amount of money. If the models aren't being paid some of that money, where would it go? Certainly not to charities. Yeah, I guess they're paid an insane amount for what seems like easy work (well, the big supermodels are, at least), but does it really matter in the long run? They might as well get it over some old president of a corporation!

  3. Yeah. Considering the fact that all they do is walk and puke. It's not like they buy food or have to pay for their clothes, or anything.

  4. Yes I know soooo many gorgeous girls who would be great models. It's really just a pretty face. They don't deserve all the money they get.

  5. they dont. lol

    well I think they do, and with all that money they should be buying food..

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