
Do you think money can buy you happiness?

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the way i think of it is that.. if you have money, you can even get paradise, if only i had money........




  1. On the contrary it may interfere with our innate happiness.

  2. temporarily yes. But not forever. Money wont give you what you really wants. Cause happiness is in the heart. So heart is what we need to content. and Money cannot buy heart. And so be it.

  3. no, money cant buy any of you fillings. it can only buy things that are on  sail an d nothing more

  4. I think that money contributes to happiness .. although by itself is not enough .

    If your mind is saturated with financial insecurity the ability to be happy will considerably diminishes .

    Thus .. money can buy you happiness to some extent .

  5. happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.

  6. it depends solely on what your definition of happiness is  

  7. for some people, yes. depends on what makes u happy. if ice cream makes u happy, then yes. money can buy that happiness through ice cream. u get what im getting at? :)

  8. Yes.  Satisfaction of my primal needs through the exploitation of my money resources brings me happiness.  The problem is that excessive amounts of cash 'buy' less happiness.  So money does buy some happiness, but it cannot buy all of it.

  9. Yes. Money give you financial freedom.

    Freedom will give you happiness.

  10. no.. that's not true.

    money cannot buy happines, and it also cannot buy (inner)peace, contentment or love.

  11. Well everything is a matter of relative perspective. Money is merely a means of participating in civil illusion of the transactions of said currencies toward what ever it is you wish to purchase,consume,rent,entertain,own,borr... for,donate,spend,part with,burn,gamble,throw away,even wipe our rear with.  Money is nothing more than a tool most often referred to as "the root of all evil". However we can take solice in the fact that the best things in life are FREE. You may be able to pay for a young lady of the evening's attention for a night but you cannot buy LOVE or your health for that matter. In my own experience I have found that the more you give, the more you get. Money is ment to be spent and no I truly do not believe that he who has the most toys wins. What? Things like love,honor,respect,dignity and integrity are far more cherished than any dead president. A person's word is much more valuable.

  12. temporarily, it can.

    I think there are different levels of happiness. I would be happy to go traveling to places Ive never seen. money would alow me to experience new and stimulating things.

    But eventually the deep down causes of sorrow would resurface..

  13. No. When I was a kid, I paid for making me happy but it backfired. I get sad because I loose much money and the person left me when I give him the money

  14. Happiness is a state of being. It's not a physical item so, no, technically you can't buy it. However if having lots of money or nice things makes you happy, how can someone tell you it doesn't? Absurd.

  15. A practical response may come that money can buy happiness. A day or two or a year or so. But happiness simply purchased by money ain't real happiness at all.

    You may know it by yourself. ^^

    I think we can make a paradise in our lives with the same effort of buying one.

    Try 'seek it within yourself and 'wish you luck!<3<

  16. From what i see on tv yes the poor kids in africa comercials about you giving your money to make them happy yes you buy them happyness and them saftey to make them live better and happier but if it is in america the amount of money can only tell you if it buys happieness if you have enough money to have all you want in life and replace it 10x fold yes you are probably super happy and the money is why your happy and the best combo is not acting like a jack *** and having money then you will have friends so you will be emotionally and physically happy with your livings

  17. Money does not buy the happiness but it can get you the happiness you desire if that is a honestly earned money and spent in the most useful and meaningful way SAY for YOU and FOR the good of all PEOPLE whom you live and associate with in daily life!

  18. No it can only place you in the environment where your chances are a whole lot better then most to experience happiness . An even that is no guaranty .  

  19. Well.......the way i look at it is,

    Money pays my bills

    Payed bill makes me happy

    Thus money buys happiness.

  20. No but it could make my misery easier to bear

  21. no,they only fill the voids of insecurities.

  22. Happiness is a state of mind.

    One can not purchase a state of mind.

    Money can NOT buy happiness.

  23. relatively speaking money is the means to happiness, but ultimately everyone is responsible for his own happiness and not money

  24. A bit like asking if a tank full of gas will take you someplace fun.

    For adults happiness is generally derived from a sense they are succeeding. That they are doing what they 'should' be doing.

    So while you cannot exactly purchase a sense of success, your capacity to acquire enough money to do what you think you should be doing is profoundly related to your happiness.

    Money can't drive you to happiness, but it does fill the tank.

  25. Money can only buy comfort.

  26. honestly, yes and no

    it really depends on how you use your money

    you could be happy rich or poor

    but its nice to live comfortably instead of in fear of what you're going to eat next

    but too much of a good thing can make you unhappy because you always want more

    the key is moderation

  27. Money can satiate the desire for food, shelter and physical security. It can not help with the innate human desires for love, comfort and emotional security. Having money is far from bad, but it is not everything.  

  28. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy rich or poor. When you have money, sometimes, it means that you have less to worry about. More often it means you have even more to worry over. You have more things, more thought has to go into keeping those things safe. It is all really a state of mind.

  29. Money enabled me to rescue a dog from the shelter. We are both happy.

  30. money can buy you anything that your heart desires, who needs love when you dont have to look good any of the original neccessities to get a relationship, you can buy all the entertainments and who needs friends when you have all the yes people to agree with you all the time money can buy anything any more because everyone has a price and that is that or maybe even isnt that

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