
Do you think more Americans should be considering adoption?

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If so, what are your reasons?

-Thanks in advance




  1. NO!  family preservation!

  2. no. adoption is a personal choice to make. it should never be done without out a lot of research. not to mention a lot of soul-searching. it's not just like having your own baby. few people are up to the challenge of raising these kids, dealing with the challenges, and things like that. if someone wants to adopt, and they truly feel they're properly prepared, then good. if someone doesnt want to adopt, i sure as heck wouldnt want to try and talk them into it! if they dont want to, that's fine. adoption's not for everyone.

  3. Only if they are going to adopt children out of foster care.  Otherwise, no.

  4. I dont think only americans should be thinking of adopting i think the whole world should be. I would love to have a child of my own and at the same time i want to help out the world and give a brighter more promising future to a child. We should all try to help out everywhere we can.

  5. Being an adoptive parent isn't for everyone, with all of the subtleties and emotions surrounding the entire adoption experience.  

    Fact is, there are millions of children in the world that need families.  This isn't going to change anytime in the near future.  But because of the unique challenges that being an adoptive parent presents, I would rather that the "right" parents consider adoption, rather than more people.  People who are unwilling or unable to meet the needs of an adopted child simply shouldn't adopt.  

    Make sense?

  6. It isn't that there aren't enough people wanting to adopt to help the many thousands of children in foster care who need parents, it is that many will only consider adopting a baby.

    If more people jump on the infant adoption band wagon it will only create more demand for babies; more pressure will be placed by agencies on young women to surrender their infants.

    This is not creating healthy families this is creating families of loss - I know - I lost my son to adoption. My family has not healed from the loss. While raising my son probably made his adoptive family very happy, I imagine they would still have been a healthy family had they not adopted him.

    Until people who want to adopt really understand the principle of adoption, that it is meant to fulfill the needs of a child I'd have to say no, we don't need anymore people wanting to adopt.

  7. No.

    I think more Americans ought to be thinking of ways to keep families together.

  8. Yes I do.

    I was adopted from Uganda when I was a baby by an American and growing up, I was so shocked that not many people wanted to adopt. I only had one other friend that was adopted.

    Now that I'm in my twenties and married, I am adopting. Last year I adopted a baby from NY and many people said that they would never even considered adoption!

    People should consdier adoption for the following reasons:


    2. It makes the parents that can't care for kids feel that their child will be in better hands.

    3. Every child deserves parents or at least one parent that will not treat them badly.

    And many more reasons I can't think of. But #1, is most important.

  9. I do.  In my state alone, there are hundreds of kids in foster care who are ready to be adopted.  It seems a shame for people to spend small fortunes adopting infants or using IVF, when all these kids are waiting.

  10. No.  I think more Americans should be putting their money toward keeping families together, and finding ways to help children that don't involve stripping them of their identity.  If a family is already thinking of adopting, I would hope their #1 purpose would be to give a family to a child who NEEDS one, and adopt through foster care.  And lastly, I think more Americans should be considering helping children indirectly by fighting for adoptee rights, and adoption reform, so that when a child does NEED to be adopted, they are not stripped of their identity and history, but instead, their lives are enriched, their families enlarged, and their deepest "selves" honored.

  11. I am considering adoption! But not until I'm settled, etc. The only thing that I'm gonna hate is the process of adopting a child.

    I do think americans should consider adoption alitte more. The world is already overpopulated and there's children who really need a good home. There's millions of chidren that are suffering and needs a good home. And it will save me lots of stretch marks!

  12. Agh NO - No WAY infact

    "Already there are One and a Half Million Adopted Children in the United States "

    "About 60% of Americans Have a Personal Connection to Adoption "

    That is WAY to staggeringly HIGH

    In Australia we have LESS than 500 adoptions a year...

    Australia is about family preservation and the USA & the UK need to follow our lead.

    "Inability to Have Biological Children Is a Motivating Factor in Private Adoption

    People decide to adopt for many reasons, but infertility is one of the most common motivating factors. In one study, more than 80% of those adopting independently or through a private agency responded that the inability to have a biological child was the reason they chose to adopt. By contrast, only half of those adopting from foster care cited infertility as the reason for their decision"

    Perhaps the high amount of fertility in the USA is caused by lifestyle choices ? the amount of toxins in the air etc....

    ETA Wow I can not believe all the thumbs downs that are being handed out to the people who have said NO..

    Clearly they would be from PAPS an APS

  13. I don't necessarily know the percentage of Americans that DO consider adoption, but I do think that more people should.  I know it is difficult and expensive, but there are SO many children out there that have no home or parents or anyone to love them and people are going through just as much trouble and spending just as much money to go to extremes to have their own biological children.

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