
Do you think more of your friends than your parents?

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My son told me that his friends are like his family, where are they now that he is spending 6 years in prison for burglary. His so called best friend was with him in said burglary, my son took the fall, protecting his "friend." His so called friends did not go to court dates, they do not write, visit, or send money to him. He realizes that his loyalty was misplaced. I do not condone what he did, but I will stand by him, give him support, and love him.




  1. Koodos to you for standing by him still, that makes you one h**l of a parent. Teenagers usually call there friends family because they feel like theres no one else to talk to, be with, etc. If he feels he has no one else to go to then he may feel that his friends are his only hope. Really his friends dont see it that way. They see hes in jail, thats his fault, thats all. When he gets out they will all get back together and be best buddies. I would suggest talking to your son and showing him that there is someone that loves him and cares about him no matter what.  

  2. Thats unfortunate, but usually the case. I tend to blow off my family more than friends, but usually because i know my family understands (my mother usually encourages me to hang out with friends and cancel plans with her). I'm 25.

    But what exactly is your question?  

  3. friends. My friends dont tryt to annoy the c**p out of me.

    I like that my dad gives me money that is the only thing i like.

  4. I think that the bonds held between families and friends are very different.  In one sense, a person chooses their friends because of who their friends are and their personalities.  And your family isn't something they choose, it's something that's just given.

    Many teenagers these days tend to blow their families off to see their friends, maybe because they can be whomever they please with their friends without worrying if they're going to disappoint each other.  It's pretty unfortunate, but many teenagers just don't feel as comfortable around their families than they are with their friends.

    But people should think more highly of their families.  Those are the people that raised them and love them unconditionally.  Bonding in a family isn't a one sided thing, and many parents don't show their children how much they love them anymore, they just let their kids do what they please.  Quality time is important in families.

    Personally, I think better of my family than I do my friends, but I try to balance the time spent with each fairly.

  5. yes

  6. No my parents are way more important

  7. don't you think it is a little late to be asking this

  8. My parents are so much more important. I love my friends to bits, but my family always come first.

  9. Thats so sweet. your son doesnt think mor of his friends than he does U. People his age just have friends so they have someone to relate to and have the same problems he is facing. But unfortunatly he chose the wrong crowd to be friends with and they let him take the fall. His "friends" just used him.

    Friends cant replace a mother' love. I kno that because im an adolescent and i kno my mom can be annoying at some times but i still really love her. And none of my friends can replace my  mom. I love my friends but family always comes first no matter what.

  10. i cannot imagine what you or your son is going through, but hopefully his "friends" will serve some kind of justice for this even if it is not in jail, 6 years is a very long time :(

  11. I think you might be asking this and really meaning do we think that you should do all the things you do even though he was wrong and chose his friends over you. Its normal for people to fill like there being to nice to people like your son but he is your son and you know what is best for him. I think what you're doing is very nice. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you and your son.

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