
Do you think most Americans understand that when they vote, they're not actually voting for the candidate?

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I don't think the American population actually understands the voting process...




  1. From what I've seen on here, obviously not.  Of course, most of the people on here probably aren't old enough to have taken a middle school government class.

    And just so some of you know:  when you vote, you vote for the the people in the Electoral College, who actually vote for the President.  We live in a representative government, not a direct one.

    Republicans get the bulk of their votes from states with lesser populations--you mean like Missouri, California, and Texas?  Yeah, those are really small states.

  2. It surprises me what some people don't understand, but then the representatives of a given state go with the will of the people about 99% of the time.

    We've reached a point with technology wherein I think a pure democracy, or at least a democratic presidential election, would be better.  But the Republicans will never allow it as the bulk of their support comes from states with lesser populations.

  3. yeah, I also believe that 25% of the American population is completely stupid... not just ignorant, plain old stupid.

  4. lol i agree with you and i am an american and sick to death with these party lines and special interest groups and lobbyist it has seriously gotten way out of control and nothing is gonna change if the average american voter doesnt wake up and pay attention to what is rlly goin on

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