
Do you think most Democrats and Republicans are like members in a cult? ?

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Our federal, state and many local governments are stagnated by partisan politics. Rather than try to resolve problems they try to defend party positions at our expense. Then with the Presidential election, they tend to ignor truths or important concerns about the presidency. For example how is Obama going to fund the programs he makes elaborate speech offers, and how in the world is the novice Palin to the Federal government going to run it if McCain dies early in office, which might happen?




  1. Most of them?  No.  Most of them feel constrained by the parties and displeased, but they choose a party identification largely because one party does support their beliefs more than the other, and they have some identification with them, if not a lot.

    Here on Y!A, you're bound to see more who are enthusiastic about their beliefs, many of whom are Democrats or Republicans.

    Outside the United States, when parliamentary politics are the primary form of legislature, it is common to see a handful of major parties, and rarely does one party dominate the legislature without the support of smaller parties in a coalition.  It leads to much stronger party identification, as the variety of choices in parties means there is likely a party fairly close to one's political beliefs, if not perfectly so.

    Regarding the Presidential candidates and the questions you asked as an example, I'll offer what insight I have.

    Obama likely intends on funding some of his programs through reduced military expenditure, something he likely hopes will come from ceasing Iraq operations as swiftly as possible.  Of course, this doesn't give him money to work with, it only reduces the amount of money spent that already isn't there.  It'll involve deficit spending for a while, although Bill Clinton managed to obtain a surplus for a short time at the end of eight years, in an environment where the two parties had to compromise.

    John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin suggests that he is absolutely convinced his health is strong enough to withstand four years of the Presidency, or at least enough of that if the worst happens, Palin has had sufficient time to observe from an insider position.  He also wanted to make sure he nominated a VP who was sufficiently socially conservative as to not cause a serious rift within the Republican Party between fiscal-minded Republicans such as Mitt Romney, and social/religious Republicans such as Mike Huckabee.

    It's far from perfect, but there aren't perfect people to run the system.

  2. I guess you missed Obama's speech:

    "We are not red states or blue states, we are the United States of America!"

    He's working hard to heal the divide but it is being kept open by hate radio such as Rush Limbaugh. I heard him on a recent radio show say that the Repubs will annihilate the Democrats. And in his interview for the NY Times he said he won't retire until everybody thinks like him. I guess that means that the Repubs are planning to kill people like me because I will never think like him unless I lose half my brain in a car accident or something.

  3. Vote Libertarian

    Increase the credibility of the three party system

  4. Well source off.. But everyone can't be conservative or liberal on every issues can they? ..

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