
Do you think most businesses and jobs are ran fairly?

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or do you think you are paid less than what you are worth?

also you are working for people who don't care about your well-being but the money they can make off of you?

what do you think?




  1. I am sorry to say that most business owners are looking out for themselves not the employees that are the real reason behind their profits. If you become a team member at a business that you suceed at when your other team members succeed then you have it all. There is a opportunity that exemplifies these very principles. I am always available to answer your questions and to help in anyway I can.

  2. I work for myself at my (side business.) no employees.I make about $15-20 and hour.I charge that much because I got tired of making peanuts and not some real $. It is a skilled trade and worth the charge.

  3. With a job, you are trading your time for money and usually are not paid what you are worth.  The reasons aren't all negative, as the company has to make a profit too, so overhead has to be considered.  They pay out a lot more money than a lot of people realize.

    Some don't care about your well-being, others do, it just depends who you work for.

    One solution is to go into business for yourself.  It's what I chose to do when I realized that I actually knew more than my employers did and at one point thought that even a monkey could do what I was doing.  Trouble was, I was being paid like the monkey would have been.

    I started a home business that was a small investment.  All I could really afford.  Then I got to work not just on the business, but buying lots of books and materials to teach me how to run my business better.  I was still employed, so I just did the business part time until I could quit my job (Just Over Broke) altogether.  It's a constant learning process, but I am now paid what I'm worth so I really can't complain to anybody if I have a bad month.  It just tells me to get my act together and do better next month!

    Hope this helps.

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