
Do you think most my friends "mata duitan"?

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mata duitan = always looking for the money.

Last time, my 10 cents shilling fell onto the floor and "Ding!". yeah, 10 cents and all of my friends look at it, that 10 cents shilling..

So, do you think that my friends "mata duitan"?

just curious.




  1. that the reality of life now

  2. actually all ppl and human including friends all whatever all are mata duitan

  3. Not means most your friends mata duitan. They were attracted to the accident bacause no other happening attracted them more. Think, if at the same time a big porcelein pot fallen down that caused a very big sound. It would attract them and you more inspite of the 10 shilling, while the sound of the fallen pot was no value!

  4. no they are not....but they are "telinga duitan"....coz they are attracted to the sound "ding"...sound of money....

  5. lol....i dont know ..because its only 10 cents

  6. sifat ingin tahulah...........can u see the different in mata duitan and busybody.

  7. well, if you said so.. thats mean all of my friends are also mata duitan lo..

    PEACE =D

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