
Do you think most parts of england will flood again?

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do you think most parts of england will flood again because i do and i live in yorkshire (Hull)




  1. Some parts of England that were flooded in the previous years were not even marked as a flood risk area, yet it still happened.

    It all depends on the severity of the weather. If you want to know the flood risks in your area, and where it might be safer, you can go to the Environment Agency website to take a look at their flood maps.

  2. I hope not. That would be awful if it did. I don't live in England or don't have anyone in England but I have a friend in Wales who's worried that Blackpool(his favorite place to go to) may get flooded and that would be bad for attractions like Coral Island and the pier,etc.

  3. Yes, all things run in cycles, what has happened, Will happen again.  The good news is in time, the ice will return and the waters will recede.  

    Live long and prosper

  4. I think so, because of the snow fall they had.

  5. it was on the bbc website a few days ago the Met Office have predicted another miserable summer, similar to last year with the same amount of rain expected but it will be warmer.

    so if it flooded last summer theres quite a good chance it could happen again.

    hope this helps!

  6. im not sure. only time can tell.

  7. What's your elevation?  Global warming is expected to raise ocean levels 300 feet if Antartica melts entirely.  If you're above 300 feet, you should be good.

  8. Yes, sadly its too late to stop it, it would help if they didnt keep building on flood plains, and spent more money on saving the houses we already have!

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