
Do you think most really nice men who have morals can resist temptation?

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WHen they're full of morals, are married, want to have an affair, but are married to a really nice woman, do you think most men can avoid temptation? I feel they can, 80% of the time. What about if they flirt, just with one woman, but very minimally and never were known to flirt before? I still say 80%, especially if the guy is religious.




  1. If a man is happy at home they will never rome.  I have had chances to cheat on my wife over the years, especially being in the Military and have never done so.  I did not cheat on my ex, and now I am re-married and continue to be faithful.  

    As far as flirting, my Wife says I flirt unknowingly, but she realises I am being freindly and that is my personality and she is with me anyway.

  2. Nice men with moral do exist but the temptation that comes their way will also be big, though they can resist small temptations, a big temptation can finish any man.

  3. Resisting temptation and forgoing biology are two very different things.

  4. having morals won't stop a man from cheating, given the right opportunity and some women out there pulling on their heartstrings it can happen to even a good man in a happy marriage. belief in god helps him avoid the temptation.

  5. I dont trust any man.

    I am engaged to be married yet I still feel sometime in the future he may cheat.

    I dont know why I feel like this I think it could be low self esteem as he says he would never do that.

    Men are capable of anything and yes if they are tempted they will stray.

  6. Yep. I am married to one. =)  He would never cheat on me. He has been known to flirt, but it's innocent, and I know that. Of course, I really don't think he knows he is flirting; he is just one of those guys that can get along with anyone. You have to have trust, or your marriage will never survive.

  7. If you really knew men, you would know that most men don't have morals. They make out they do, but don't. As for the temptation!!! well that also depends on the situation at hand, but most men are weak and usually fall for any temptation put in front of them, as their doodle rules their brain.

  8. This is a very good question i would have to say if he is flirting with just one woman he has some interest in her what ever that interest may be. Really nice men would not put you in that situation to begin with. I am in your situation my nice girlfriend flirts with one guy at work. When i ask her about it she always denies everything. In my experience nobody does something for nothing. This guy flirts with every girl at work but he is nice to my girlfriend. I thought he was just being respectful to my girlfriend but then i thought maybe he likes her and thats why he is nice to her. Trust you feelings.

  9. If a man has morals he will not cheat, if he cheats he therefore has no morals. Same goes for women.

    Every woman i have ever known has "cheated" and most men I have known.

    I do not realy blame them because it was thier nature. The real question is do you know someones nature before you get involved.

    I am a fairly handsome man, tall and under 40 and I have never cheated on any woman ever.

    That being said, if you don't like getting wet don't jump in the pool.

    s*x in long term relationships gets to be routine and money comes and goes, if either are major pillars for your marriage you need to understand that so you can live in that marriage.

    Marry for who someone is not who you want them to be or what they haveor might have in the future, this is the main problems with marriages women look for money or that dangerous s**y guy.

    Two problems with that, if he has money and you get with him he thinks your in it for his money which gives him carte blanch to cheat, if he is that dangerous s**y guy then you knew he was dangerous ie. no morals to begin with so again carte blanch to cheat.

    Know the nature of the person and your own before you get romantic then decide if it's a smart move.

  10. Well, they may. But most of them don't dare to go ahead with their temptation because of their brought-ups, religion, society, status, culture to name a few. There are a few good men around for sure, who can resist temptation and are pretty much satisfied with what they have. Like Mahatma Gandhiji said 'I can control my feelings very well, but it is very hard to convince the world that I did so' when he was asked if he would be able to control his temptation when left alone with a young girl in a room, with nobody around to notice (of course, when he was young. LOL).  

  11. yes

  12. Statistically, people who do a lot of 'good deeds' cheat _more_ often then those who don't.  It is suggested that they still, overall, feel themselves to be 'good people'.

    There are two main types of cheater.  One type has issues with intimacy and is more comfortable with 'meaningless' affairs.  This type will continue to have affairs, and not feel guilty (they don't matter) unless they deal with the intimacy issue.

    The other main category of cheater are people who are fundamentally unhappy in their relationship but for some reason (kids, financial, religion) won't leave it.

    Why would a man who is married to a 'really nice woman' _want_ to have an affair.  Most men indicate that they _want_ to be faithful.  People who want an affair are normally not happy at home.  So if the 'really nice woman' is a really bad wife, then I think eventually the 'really nice man' will have some nice woman come on to him, and he will fall.

  13. Being full of morals has nothing to do with it.  Plenty of preachers have proven that.  What I think is that if a man had a good example to follow, either in his own father or some other father figure, he will not stray.  Also, it really helps to make sure he's happy at home.  That doesn't mean waiting on him hand and foot or doling out s*x on demand, but it does mean having mutual respect for each other and making sure each other's feelings are of maximum importance.  Well, at least that's how it's been working for me and my husband.  Our 20th anniversary is next April.

  14. Ones partner doesn't need to be put through the emotional turmoil from an affair. If that's what you are all about then stay single or get out of the relationship....SIMPLE!! All you're doing is hurting people and breaking up families that don't deserve that kind of treatment.

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