
Do you think multiculturalism without integration encourages segregation?

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Say, if you put bears, tigers, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, etc in the same cage, and don't enforce integration, wouldn't the animals segregate themselves? Or would you put them in the same cage assuming that they'd all just get along fine and nothing would go wrong?




  1. Yes, absolutely.  Social order requires cohesiveness, which is achieved through a shared sense of values, history, and culture.  Multiculturalism suggests that no culture is better than another, so by saying this, you are automatically causing people to lack this cohesiveness and shared interest.  Society is built on this shared cultural definition and integration is the only way to achieve this and maintain social harmony.  Look at any nation that has adopted this idea; they are all a mess.

  2. It is true that multiculturalism without integration encourages segregation.Ever heard of the saying "Birds of the feather flock together".Using animals as an example is not a very good thing because if you put springboks and lions in a cage,within one week there won't be any springboks left.If I were to put you in a room with your best friends plus a group of strangers from another country and I ask you whom would you rather hang around with,I'm sure you'd choose your friends.This proves that even if there is integration there will be segregation as well due to the presence of multiculturalism.But as time goes on because there is integration ,segregation will eventually come to an end simply because we realize that although different we are similar.The very fact that we choose to hang around with people of our own culture and identity means that we think similarly therefore we are all similar.But we only realize this if we are integrated.So, yes integration dissolves segregation in the presence of multiculturalism.

  3. well we can't make that assumption without separating the carnivores with the herbivores and also making sure that the hostile or aggressive animals did not stress out the other species.

    that said, applied to the human race, integration without segregation is common, however it disappears over times.  back many years, we had italian neighborhoods, asian neighborhoods and so forth, but as time passed, the immigrants spread, to the point where "little italy" in NYC is only like 2 blocks long instead of a huge neighborhood.

    wait for the 2nd generation, they will integrate. the immigrants often feel more comfortable with people who speak their own language and share their own customs, plus they support each other economically and socially, so there is a delay, but ultimately integration does occur.

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