
Do you think music can affect the memory? If you do or don't explain why?

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If u need guidelines do this.

1) Yes or No

2) Explaination

3) Why you didn't choose the answer you didn't choose.

It is an easy 2 points to all of u.




  1. No, because to learn music and the lyrics, you would obviously have to remember them to know the song!

    If you were a musician then you would have to remember the instrumental side as well as the lyrics, so if anything i would say it increases your memory

    Not getting question 3

  2. yes, it has a positive affect on memory, perfect example the abc song, it's easier for small children to learn a song, than remembering 26 letters and repeating them

  3. Yes, people who like music will try to remember the lyrics.  The melody might stick in their heads as well.

    I wouldn't say "no" because I still remember songs I learned in school and church from when I was little, and I'm in my 20's now.

  4. You'd need to explain what you mean.

    "Can music affect the memory" is really vague. If you gave any indication of what you're asking, we might be able to answer.

    Can music evoke memories? Well, yes. Happens to people all the time.

    Does having music playing effect how well people memorize things? I believe there have been studies on this, especially whether different music has different effects (yes).

    Does music help people remember things (that is why people tend to tell long stories in song -- yes, learning a song is easier than learning just words; yes, the music helps you remember).

    As I said, without any indication of whether you meant any of those, or any other question, it's impossible to know what you're asking.

  5. Music is defined as a source of entertainment, so if you are trying to remember something, and enjoying some music, it won't work a lot!

    It is said that Beethoven, Mozart and other kinds of classical music helps you remember more because of the soft tone and rhythm.

    It is stupid to remember anything with loud rock music turned on full volume so it won't help you.

    However, it is said that if your music is put on a decent volume then it might help TRIGGER your memory but not necessarily make you remember it.

    That means, if you are learning the names of the US presidents and if you are listening to rock music placed at a moderate volume, then if you are listening to the song later, you might remember that you used it to learn US presidents.

    On the whole, reviewing the upper explanation I don't believe that music can affect memory.

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