
Do you think my 3 month year old could be overfed?

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I know many people believe you can't over feed or spoil an infant, but I'm not sure if I am really over feeding my daughter. She's 3 months old and breast fed. She still eats every 2 hours during the day time (except when she takes her afternoon 3 hour nap). She goes a solid 10-12 hour block at night where she sleeps soundly. The doctor said she's gaining a good amount of weight and that she's not really over weight, but is at the 75th percentile for her weight. She was born 8 lbs 8 oz and now weighs about 12 lbs. Is she eating too often or is she still in the normal range for frequency of eating?

The only reason I ask is because my two year old was primarily bottle fed for medical reasons. He was not a chubby baby, but my daughter is a regular butter ball! :)




  1. Breastfed babies can not be overfed, no baby can.  If they are hungry feed them.  Breast milk especially is very easy to digest and they will get hungier more frequently than a bottle fed baby.

    Babies are born with a unique mechanism that allows them to regulate the amount of calories they need by the volume of breast milk or formula they drink.  It tells then when they need more or when they've had enough.

    Keep up the good work and don't worry about where your baby falls on the curve as long as she's on the curve or above it's all good.  My oldest daughter was always in the 95 percentile, but at three years old she's just about average and beautiful of course.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!

  2. First poster is right, breast milk is the most easily digested thing you can give your baby and she will drink more often than if she were formula fed.  Babies have no problem saying no when they are full.

    Babies are also different.  My first son was seriously chubby but my second was super slender and they were both breast fed, they just expressed their genes differently!

    She sounds healthy.  :)

  3. Breastfed babies are like that, she sounds like she is doing great.  They will stop eating when they are full and since the breastmilk digests so much better than formula they do eat more often.  I wouldn't worry.  

  4. thats funny cause my first born (he is 3 now) was a month early and weighed 6.4lbs 19" long and was so tiny, he still is weighing 26 lbs, and 34" tall and is in the 3% now. i just had my daughter 2 months ago and she weighed 8.1 lbs and was 21" long. and is now almost 12 lbs and is 23" long and is in the 95% range. each child is different. is there a difference from your family's side compare to the fathers? there is with me, so i think that is why, different genetic patterns.  

  5. I don't think you can over feed her, especially with breastfeeding.

    I'm breastfeeding also. My baby was born 9 pounds 5.6 ounces. She just got weighed today, at 1 month and 2 weeks of age, and weighs 11 pounds 2 ounces. So she weighs almost as much as your 3 month old and isn't even 2 months yet!!

    She's fine, darling!  

  6. I think yes, and no. i nursed my son. he too wanted to nurse every 2-3 hrs.  my nipples were bleeding after three months.  

    i asked my dr. I was told that the first 3 months is most most important they need the mothers milk. after that is just and added plus. and after teeth...nah.. they bite.

    then i called my gram. she had 15 healthy children. she said. a tablespoon in his bottle with a cross cut is fine. my nipples healed and he was fine. still is 31 yrs. later.

    she also told me..

    never introduce more than one thing at a time. for a week or so. no wheat. allergies.

    my son was a stick figure in a diaper. LOL

    dr's will always have ,many opinions. never the same as the other.

    he also couldn't handle formula's so gram gave me the evaporated milk recipe. he didn't spit up as much and had his vitamins.

    he's a healthy adult today.

    each child grows and changes differently. no need to compare to your first child.

    is isn't shame full to have bottle fed. Be proud of yourself for even wanting to. it can be tough.

    enjoy the's grand. children create  a warmth of love when so young that follows them.


  7. she has only gained 4 pounds in 3 months? the average is 2 pounds per month after the first month so it sounds like she is right on track to me. now my son on the other hand, was born at 7lbs 5oz and already weighed over 12lbs at 2 months! he is now 4 1/2 months and weighs over 17 lbs and although the doc says he is a very healthy boy, she still isnt worried about him eating too much or being overweight.

  8. Well, she's only having 7 feeds a day. If they were spread out over the 24 hours, that would be about every 3 1/2 hours, i.e. normal. I think she's doing fine - you just got lucky, you had a baby who sleeps :) They still need as much food, but they have fewer hours to fit it all in.

    The other possibility is that if it's hot where you are, she gets thirsty. Breastfed babies often want to feed often in hot weather.

  9. my 1 month old brother is 12 pounds

    so now your doing just fine and feeding her the right amount

  10. talk to your doc..

  11. well my son was 2 months premature and he just turned 3 months old a few days ago.. He was born 4 lbs 2 oz and he already weighs 12 lbs so it doesnt sound like your'e overfeeding at all

  12. i think she will be okay, my baby brother was just like her and he grew out of it. btw, she is adorable =]

  13. She doing fine, and is definitely NOT being overfed.  If she's sleeping 10-12 hours at night and eating every 2-3 hours during the day, that's what ... 6-7 feeds a day?  That's actually a bit on the low side for this age. 8-10 feeds would be entirely normal, but if she's happy with what she's getting, that's fine too.

    Her weight gain is also actually a bit on the low end of 'normal.'  An 'average' baby this age would be about 5 pounds over her birthweight; your baby is about 3 1/2 pounds over her birthweight -- which is fine too -- but clearly nowhere near 'too much' or 'overfed.'

    If all is well, s(she's happy and meeting her milestones) then trust that she's eating what she wants/needs, and gaining what she is supposed to gain.  

  14. Sounds like she is doing great to me. I breastfed my youngest and was worried about how quickly she gained weight and how often she was nursing, but her doc said that since she was sleeping through the night so  she was making up for it during the day by nursing so much. Once she was more active she quit gaining as quickly. A great web site to check out for breastfeeding issues is

  15. The reason I am sure she is eating that much during the day is because she goes so long at night without eating. She is just making up for it during the day. Also, bottle fed babies eat less because it is thicker then breast milk and takes them longer to digeste the food. Oh btw that isnt fair your baby is going that long at night! LOL jealous!!  

  16. No she is not getting over fed when she is full she wont take no more. Long as your not making her eat than your fine.  

  17. My son is 3 months tomorrow and weighs 14 lbs (8lb 3oz at birth) so I'd say no.  I wish he would sleep 10 hours at a time.

  18. She sounds fine to me. Plus the doctor said she's okay, then I believe she is OK.

  19. She sounds fine.  I have a 6th month old and she was the exact same way when she was 3 months old.  I think she was in the 75th-90th percentile of weight.  Now she is in the 25th percentile of weight. At one point my daughter went for two weeks where she was eating every 1 1/2 to 2 hours and she was bottle fed.  As she gets older and moves around a lot more she will slow down in gaining weight.  

    Also the doctor knows what they are doing.  If they had a concern about the weight they would tell you right away and tell you how to change it.  So don't worry. Your child also might be having a growth spurt soon and that's why they are in the 75th percentile of weight.

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